Consciousness Videos

A Powerful Way to Raise to a Higher Consciousness Meditation Exercise (this changed my life)

Aaron Doughty

“Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now, in this video, I’m going to be talking about the idea of expanding our awareness, of understanding how we can powerfully elevate our level of consciousness and I’m going to be doing it in a new type way. What I’d like to do in this video is kind of like a mix of an interactive meditational exercise where what we do is get ourselves to a very present state of being, and then I share some ideas that I think can help us understand how we can exist in the frame, in the experiential perception of these states of consciousness and how to really anchor it into a part of who we are.

“Now, first off, behind this video, a lot of the information will be from a book called Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins. In this, he talks and has the scale of different levels of consciousness that are based upon the emotional states of being. The idea behind it just to give it a little summary is that in each of these different emotions are loops of patterns of thinking that if we stay identified to it, it keeps us in the realm of those thoughts. The idea is that as we move up the scale, it becomes to a point to where we then raise our vibration or our level of consciousness to a higher state.

“Now, you’ll see that at the bottom, we have emotions like shame and guilt. Then, we have like anger. Then, we’ll move up and eventually, we’ll have more of neutrality, of willingness. Then, eventually, the next level of breakthrough is love, peace, joy. Now, each of these, there’s breakthroughs within each of these different levels of consciousness and what I’m going to do with this interactive-type meditation is show you the way that we would view the world through each different level of these and understanding how we can then elevate our own level of awareness to get ourselves to live within that frame of awareness.

“Just to begin this video, first off, let’s take a deep breath in and then out, and what we’re going to do is bring the awareness into our hands and into our legs and feet and the purpose behind this is as we bring the awareness out of our head and into our body, we then become more present to the moment and we take the awareness out of just the intellectual ideas and we make it something that’s much more absorbent into us.

“Right now, let’s take a deep breath in, breathe it out and then put the awareness into your hands. Put the awareness into your feet. Take another deep breath in and out, we’ll do one more. Then, as you breathe out, bring the awareness into your chest, into your heart’s space and feel the sensation there. As you begin to know that you’re becoming more present to the moment, you’re moving yourself from more of a beta state to an alpha state of brainwave activity. As we begin to get into the state, there’s more likelihood that these ideas will get deeper into how we think.

“First off, what I’m going to do is take you through three different layers of consciousness. Three different layers for perceptual lenses to which we could see the world and show you what it’s like to live within those frames and how then we can push ourselves to evolve the next layer so that by the end of this meditational awareness exercise, we know how we can live within those frames and we know how we can get ourselves out of the autopilot mind so that we can really become our full potential.

“Now, the first level of awareness is actually more of the idea of the unconsciousness of who we are. Most of the population of the world lives within this frame of awareness and it’s through the frame of thinking that they are a victim of circumstance. It comes from thinking that they are at the effect and not of the cause, not knowing that they are creating their own reality.

“Now, most likely if you’re watching this video, you are already knowing that there is some correlation between the thoughts that you think to what you experience. Most of you have already penetrated this level of awareness and you can simply have the understanding that most of the way that we define ourselves to be is with a certain self-image and that based upon the autopilot of the patterns of thoughts that we think, that continues to perpetuate itself to where we think that we are a result of our past, and we are the result of the reference experiences that we’ve had….

This video is about How to Evolve Your Consciousness Meditation Excersise


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49 thoughts on “A Powerful Way to Raise to a Higher Consciousness Meditation Exercise (this changed my life)
  1. This is fake conciousness is the awareness of external stimuli that awareness comes from the brain and the spinal cord to have higher consciousness you have to have more sensations

  2. I like this content. I've heard other teachers also explain that "love is our natural state of being". Can you explain why it's love and not indifference?

  3. Hi Aaron. I am very interested in spirituality from past 2-3 years. I am also an astrology practitioner and believe that the incidents occurring in our life as fixed checkpoints. According to what I have experienced, at a higher consciousness level one would enjoy hisher life even with all the checks and bounds on life because he will view your life as a street play. You don't aim to change or mold it to your desires and see the utility in that. Its my personal experience. Your views on it will be appreciated.

  4. How effing long do you want to make the introduction step this I'm going to show you and stepdad I'm going to show you and this is going to bring you the show you this just go to it and show us what you talkin about not repeat an introduction through the 3/4 of the entire video you idiot !! 😑🤮

  5. Aaron, you're a beautiful human being. I've been feeling like this for some time now, but you have totally reinforced it. Thanks you.

  6. cool! Fucking love it bro!! Ive had moments in my life where I've became super aware of everything that i saw truth behind everyone, not there thoughts but "them" i had an experience once with a random girl i was walking across in the opposite direction as her, we made eye contact and kept it, everything changed that moment we became so aware i felt her sending me a message through her eyes. I felt us connecting so deeply, it also brought back memories from a time when i was a little kid and i remembered having those moments with a lot of people being able to look into someones eyes and really see them/feel them. Cool stuff Thanks bro really informative and helpful. Namaste

  7. Hey Aaron, thank you so much for these videos man. You explain stuff in such a simple manner with such clarity. Really helps a lot!

  8. dude, I just watched 3 videos in a row from your channel, loved it so far and especially when you mentioned David Hawkins. I am on my way to awakening and break through to courage soon(power vs force reference)

    I will watch more, *just subscribed, I hope I will resonate with everything you say!

    Cheerio 🙂

  9. Hey, Aaron I absolutely love your videos, especially the way you frame things. It truly has allowed me to view myself and others in a different way. I just want to ask a question about reaching higher levels and how to prevent from going back to the lower levels; I mean when you're changing your self-image, have you ever had difficulty letting go of an old, stubborn self-image that it seemed like you weren't allowing yourself to transfer to a new one? Any thoughts on that would be appreciated. Thank you for reading.

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