
Artificial intelligence: Should AI be regulated by governments?

Global News

As artificial intelligence becomes more integrated with every aspect of society, concerns inspired by Hollywood sci-fi stoke fears over its rise.

Experts have downplayed how nervous people should be about the capacity of AI, but governments have started asking just how governed this technology should be.

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11 thoughts on “Artificial intelligence: Should AI be regulated by governments?
  1. "Artificial intelligence: Should AI be regulated by governments?"

    Yes of course it should with privacy and safety being the primary concern. The tech industry has proven they're unwilling to regulate themselves.

  2. Are you kidding? The govt can go jump in a lake. I don't want AI forced on us and you can be sure the worst will be brought out by the govt.

  3. Sure……government is never over reaching.
    Government never bends to the will of corporations.
    Government never lie and has your best interests at heart.
    Nothing will go wrong.

  4. Pretty soon they will create sex dolls such as babies and women screaming and crying when a man violently slaps or viciosly sexually enacts with them. Many types of sex dolls are already on the market. Every good generally turns into a worse evil because half of the people creating these devices are evil. Corporate benefit always rules over human benefit.

  5. In China they can get organs for the wealthy in minutes because they always make certain groups such as the Falun Gong (religious group) victims so they can profit. They imprison them only for their religion. Animals have no rights whatsoever in China and prisoners are considered equal to animals. Organs and sex related crimes are becoming the world's greatest gold mine and corporations are taking full advantage of that.

    Many of these prisoners are violently raped with torturous tools and then when hospitals need a fresh organ they simply grab the closest match and start removing irgans without anesthetic! If they are still alive after only one fresh organ is removed then several more organs may be removes as they scream. If only one organ is removed they may then be cremated alive. Computers can be used for deadly evil and in fact have been even in the old days. IBM helped Hitler put people into categories so they would know which order to kill them in, and the new 5G technology will make identifying people on the street 100 times faster. It will also destroy children's's brains.

    Have you ever given blood or allowed an eye doctor to take pictures of your eyes? What about allowing biometrics on your licence or letting an airport scan your naked body shape? Have you ever had an MRI, CT scan, bone scan, x-ray etc. Are you connected to to friends through email or on a cell phone? They already know all about you and and what all your body looks like and have millions of ways to find you in seconds.

    If you think Hitler did a good job of finding his victims, or China does, how much more of this would you welcome? How many hearts has Rothschild had now? I read somewhere it was 5 but you would have to verify that yourself.

    They know your blood type, your DNA and you can be refused medical coverage without knowing why, etc. You can be charged extra insurance costs, and indeed you are now, according to where you live. You may be euthanized or drugged to death instead of helped when you go to a hospital.

    They know your social insurance number, your birth date, your financial infirmation, your address, what your face looks like, what your poersonality is like, etc. Have you ever had plastic surgery? They likely have your face on file and maybe even pictures of your breasts or more. Have you ever had a colonoscopy or colposcopy? They know what your guts and other personal organs look like. If you have ever had an MRI of your brain, they know what that looks like and even how you think. One day they may seek your brain to put into a robot or force you to undergo genetic experiments like they do vaccines, or they may need your skin.

    Thousands of unethical experiments on mankind have already taken place and this is just the beginning. No one even needs a license to do this, or be elected to use you as a rat. All they need is money. You are already being used as a rat for eugenics experiments, chemical experiments, vaccine experiments, mind control experiments, nuclear experiments and very much more than you realize. Some TV Sets, all kinds of phones, dishwashers, electrical outlets, fridges, etc can already spy on you, even when you believe they are turned off.

    Doctors or others can film you with their ties, watches, glasses, pens, or other hidden pinhole cameras in their offices.etc. Police wear cameras on their bodies. Even if you take the time to protect your privacy, you still won't be able to stop most of it and the dangers are getting worse every day.

    Even children are being spied on, kidnapped, raped, turned into sex victims and much worse. Criminals can use many types of technologies to engage them, lure them, kidnap them and even film every move in your house or elsewhere. How much more of this do we need? The damage will increase by leaps and bounds! If there isn't a cell phone tower with many transmitters on it in nearly every block of your neighbourhood now, also hidden in trees or buildings it will be coming within months. You may just live in a small city.

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