
A self-righting behavior of the walking robot Charlie

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

The video shows a self-righting behavior of the four-legged walking robot Charlie, developed by the Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) of the DFKI.
The behavior consists of two parts: 1. A transition from a supine lying pose to a prone lying pose and 2. subsequently the transition to a standing posture, where the 6DoF artificial spine of Charlie was key to reach the stable four-legged pose.The first transition has been optimized using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms.

Charlie (robot system)


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31 thoughts on “A self-righting behavior of the walking robot Charlie
  1. I would fire all the participants of this project. They are incompetent. Its a waste of taxes.

    USA and China are already producing toys for kids, more sophisticated than this.
    In Germany we do research and investigations comparable to that what the USA has done for 40 years.

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