Consciousness Videos

Accessing Higher Consciousness through Virtual Reality Technology


Accessing Higher Consciousness through Virtual Reality Technology:
The next couple of years will reveal incredible breakthroughs as to how we will perceive and communicate in this Reality. VR has the ability to take us to endless possibilities.


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4 thoughts on “Accessing Higher Consciousness through Virtual Reality Technology
  1. Create a Universe and infinite beautiful existence I like this idea. But I want to able to create infinite things into existence. Within the virtual world.

  2. Go watch stranger days movie.

    Once you connect to brain through electrodes. You could get instant third eye simulation.

    Or enlightenment experience.

    Which brain can do even after you remove the movie.

    That will be the future.

    I did float over body 20 years after sever headache for 2 days. I initiall could n't believe it. I immediately thought i was dead and it happened because i had brain tumor. Because i still can't believe . It was not a dream. It only lasted 2 min.

    So OBE experience can be simulated and played as movie inside brain by passing visual cortex.

    All this has risks. Brain is fragile thing. Each body is different. Many will die because human tendency to test limits cause those deaths.

    I do not beleive in religion or sidda or any hindu crap.

    I do think our body is some kinda electric stuff. Every matter emmit some form energy. Lets call it chi. its not life force energy.

    I rather call it AETHER. if bring two hands closer you can feel tension even hands are 1 feet apart. Its easy to see if you have still mind.

    All these technologies are useless in my perspective. Yes it make us curious.

    What human really need is stop mind chatter all time. 100%. Almost dead mind yet alive with aether. IDEA is to live 200 years or more.

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