Art Theory

Aesthetics – (What is Art?)

Philosophy Vibe

Join George and John as they discuss and debate different Philosophical ideas. Today they will be looking into Aesthetics – this is the Philosophy of Art and Beauty.

One of the major questions of Aesthetics is asking “What is Art?” This video will look to see if we can reach a universal definition of art. Is there an underlying criteria that makes a piece of work art, or does art in fact have no definition and is purely subjective. By the end of the debate we will be closer to answering the questions what is art?


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18 thoughts on “Aesthetics – (What is Art?)
  1. Here's my (tentative) definition of art…
    Art: anything created/done, at least in part, to be appreciated for its beauty.

    Of course, this just pushes the question back from "what is art?" to "what is beauty?"

  2. Art is subjective is the most retarded commonly accepted falsehoods of today.

    How can art be subjective? Art relies on aesthetics which itself comes from mathematical characteristics such as symmetry, patterns, harmony etc which are based in reality.

    And reality is not subjective.

  3. Let's say we know everything humans think and have ever thought. Then we can know what art truly is and define it in absolute. However, the farther we drift from this knowledge of everything, the farther we drift from knowing what the definition is. It is somewhere in this realm we exist. Humans want to see discrete absolutes where there are none.

  4. Maybe art is a method of human creative outlet? That's why it can take so many forms: dancing, acting, writing, painting, drawing? Just a thought.

  5. The way I see it, art is simply subjective. What I may percieve as art could be garbage to everyone else and vice versa. Art isn't defined by the creation or the creator but by the beholder, if I perceive something and react to it emotionally, to me that is art, and sure that can mean that a particle of dust could be art to someone but so what? This is why you also can't objectively measure art unless you agree on some subjective criteria like complexity or how much effort was put into it.

  6. I just stumbled across your channel last night and i absolutely love what youre putting out! There arent many philosophy channels that do the thorough dialectical moves that make your videos so rich. When it comes to format and design there is something stale about how the content is presented but beyond that I'm so glad youre out here

  7. I genuinely did not find interest within the philosophy of art until this video! I really enjoyed both arguments raised, they both have great points that I agreed with

  8. Perhaps art can’t be defined by reason at all. Maybe it can only be felt by the emotions. As Pascal said “The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.”

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