
AI in Banking Explained for Beginners | Learn Artificial Intelligence

AI Sciences

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In this video, we are going to discuss with you the role of artificial intelligence in the banking industry.

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πŸ‘‹ About AI Sciences:
AI Sciences is an e-learning company; the company publishes online courses and books about data science and computer technology for anyone, anywhere.
We are a group of experts, PhD students, and young practitioners of artificial intelligence, computer science, machine learning, and statistics. Some of us work for big-name companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, KPMG, BCG, and Mazars.
We decided to produce courses and books mainly dedicated to beginners and newcomers on the techniques and methods of machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, and data science. Initially, our objective was to help only those who wish to understand these techniques more easily and to be able to start without too much theory or lengthy reading. Today, we also publish more complete books on selected topics for a wider audience.

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7 thoughts on “AI in Banking Explained for Beginners | Learn Artificial Intelligence
  1. Thank you for watching this video. Leave us comments on the tutorials that you wish to have soon on our channel.

    We will try to provide them very soon to help you learn more about Data Science.

  2. Would AI be able to stop the deceitful loan-taker like Nirab Modi,Bijay Malya,Lolita Modi and many more who take loan but do not return it and the common man carry this loan on their shoulders and suffer generation after generations?

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