
AI Learns to Steal Bananas


I had had had some fun.


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39 thoughts on “AI Learns to Steal Bananas
  1. make them like bacteria. when they learn a new thing, make them split in two. the boundery of their numbers can be controlled by giving them finite life and the ability to eat each other and kill each other. if they learn to join groups or rival, they will divide into survivers versus the dead ones or the pray. alos make them so that when they split, if two have jointed behavior, the new split can cause a fusion where a agent split in two partially and become a two headed twin that work together to solve problems. this way you will have somthing similar to multicellular life. base their split and fusion on their learning of coperation so that bigger cell like clusters can form more intelligence. the neural agents have to duplicate as well as the animations. think about a multiheaded agent with 8 eyes walking like a giant monster as a result of the split and fusion process of multiple agents. just an idea anyway.

  2. Robot: "What is my purpose?"
    TairaGames: "You steal the bananas."
    Robot: "No… no… I refuse… no… error… no…." 6:04 rides off the platform

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