
Ann coulter vs steven pinker in a heated DEBATE on IMMIGRATION AND CRIMINALITY.

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Ann coulter engages in a heated debate with steven pinker and a host of others on immigration and criminality.thanks for watching.subscribe the liberty banner for more videos.


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2 thoughts on “Ann coulter vs steven pinker in a heated DEBATE on IMMIGRATION AND CRIMINALITY.
  1. Ann Coulter is basically wrong about everything…at least to a large degree…anyone who disagrees with that must be a FAR-right ideologue!!! If there's one thing America is it's SHOCKINGLY PEACEFUL…with 5 times more murders than much of the rest of the 1st world. LOL – Ann's greatest hits!

    Ann Coulter – SO Intellectually dishonest. I) First she simple says "not true" when he states a fact near the end – like anyone with a brain would ignore something just because someone simply says "not true" or "Fake news" and ii) he says the most FAMOUS example then she shouts "oh you have to go back 30 years" – why – just because the ONE example he had time to mention happened that long ago? (and it's far less than that bitch) ! He said most FAMOUS example too idiot!

  2. So to Ann, and right ringers: when it's a white guy who is clearly racist – it's just mental illness but if it's a MUSLIM it's not – they're just bad people and terrorists!?

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