
Are We Ready for Artificial Intelligence? – VisualPolitik EN

VisualPolitik EN

A fear of technology, of artificial intelligence, of autonomous cars, of factories without workers, of smart robots.

The panic of our jobs being taken away, of a few gaining power at the expense of others, of inequalities multiplying, and even of them controlling us and taking over the world.

Fear, fear and more fear… The relationship between humans and machines has never been easy, it always raises mixed feelings. Now, with the arrival of Artificial Intelligence these feelings have become more intense than ever.

Can machines replace human beings? Can they self-teach and take control of civilization? What role will people play in a world of intelligent machines?

In this video we’ll talk about robots, technological changes and artificial intelligence.

*To create this video, we had the inestimable collaboration of the Argentine historian, Alejandro Gómez, Professor of the CEMA University and Visiting Professor in the UFM.

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29 thoughts on “Are We Ready for Artificial Intelligence? – VisualPolitik EN
  1. A machine has no inner motives other than the programming the programmer feeds. In case of an evolutionary A.I. programme emulating life, there is a plausible scenario that it selects an offensive scenario, yet the idea that the machine will keep on insisting on that and connect to every connectable device, take control over it and use it against humanity is minority scenario. The far more plausible scenario is humans who are in control, i.e. the overruling oligarches using A.I. against humanity – they are afterall already doing so. So if we ariive in a time when robots take over and attack humanity, be rest assured that it is not A.I. but bad old H.I. driving the revolution.

  2. I believe you (VP) are wrong in the assumption that improved AI will create more jobs. Eventually the machines will be so advanced that they can perform a majority of the tasks we do as humans.

    It does not matter if you are talking about garbage pickup, taxiservices, securitypersonal or even maintenance of said machines. Eventually we will have powerful AI that enables us to streamline production.
    That means there isnt much left for humans to do. We cant all be programmers and quality controllers. And even those will be streamlined to a degree.

    The interesting part will be how goverments react to this new massunemployment. Wellfare states like Canada or the nordic countries might buy up machines and loan or sell them to their citizens.
    The theory would be that the actual machine does the work previously done by a worker and the machines owner gets the rentmoney that the buisness pays for it.
    There are ofc problems since buisnesses will buy cheaper robots from other sources and the cost of laborwages or "rent" will decrease heavily.
    This will in turn create legislation one way or the other
    We might even see the return of govermentpayed income.

    Dicatorships will buy upp machines and use most of them for production and security. The downsides, it will create a lot of unstability when you have massunemployment in poor authoritarian countries.
    Soceities like the u.s. germany etc will see the wealthy buy up most of the good machines and in turn sell them or rent them to buisnesses.
    This will ofc create a black market for hijacked, hacked or juryrigged machines.
    We will also see a "no-ai" movement where people protest against being laid off. The bigger differences in economic disparity will promote populistic candidates in both parties.

    Regardless of goverment we will see a huge drop in prices since production is much more effective. An advanced ai can work 24h with minimal maintenance, it does not need safetygear, training or even vacation.
    So what will us humans do when we are no longer needed for work?

  3. @simonwhistler @VisualPolitikEN

    Can you please, please, make a follow up video on why experts and leading innovators (Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk. etc) in the field have deep concerns regarding AI.
    Specifically, I am interested in their signed letter with other experts at:
    the article about their concerns:
    so far there are 8,000 signatories. Can you please expound on their concerns further?

    if you feel the same way, please like the comment so they can read it and hopefully make a video!

    My Opinion: I thought the comparison of the industrial age to the AI age had some merit, but it neglected the big difference that the robotics in the industrial age had zero possibility of adapting and learning, while AI has the ability to do so and will continually grow in that capacity.

  4. When humans have no focus and jobs they become poor and marginalised and produce lots of children doomed to live the same life. But in a eutopian world that would not happen with automation and robotics, then again the greedy are the just greedy and do 't care as machinesare there to make profit or fight wars for profit.

  5. I read some arguments here that says humans are not tools(in horses vs Cars arguments), actually Humans are tools.
    For the "elites" and governments We are nothing but numbers, that will generate income to them either by taxes or by becoming their consumers or by becoming their "Work Horse".
    We are nothing but money generator, Remember slavery?
    Now say that everything is automated, then the rest of the Humans are nothing but pest(except those used for entertainment). Now What would you do about it?? then They will promote LESS humans, either contraceptive or making their live so miserable that having kids is not possible(by Law or economy) or in the extreme side, kills every humans that not needed.

    I see the future where human population shrink, and robots do everything for them. At least it would be better for the enviroment should our population shrink, on the other hands, how would they chose to shrink our population might give you some chills.

  6. A lot of people simply left the job market. It happens all the time.

    NOW its not that AI is stealing our jobs though!

    CORPORATIONS are stealing our jobs!

    Corporations hire or don't hire.

    I saw in less than 24 hours, 150 THOUSAND American citizens lose their jobs to CHINA.

    Not a single robot was involved.

    Its far cheaper to hire 3rd world employees than it is robots, always has been, and will continue to be so for quite some time.

    Ironically, the strength of the American economy is no longer held exclusively by mega corporations because wise people saw opportunities caused by the foolish and latched on to valuable tooling and therefore, at a greatly discounted price, and without corporate executives, or let alone Wall Street share holders dictating their every move, they INDEPENDENTLY went into sole proprietorships and limited partnerships all over America selling niche specialty products at a high profit margin [because they cut out the massive amount of losses to their own selves which are inherent in mega corporation (such as useless and costly CEOs who do nothing but play golf and fire people)] while actually selling them for LESS than the mega corporations, and producing a better product in the process.

    These are the people who have kept this nation from sinking into oblivion and when they are gone, so too will this nation be.

  7. To say 'for all' is a blatant and shameless lie, same with the lie that the 'quality of life' because human nature will always be evil by nature, and those who can control those machines and that AI will always exploit the weak and poor.

  8. I agree with you!. horse shoe workers also weren't happy when the car was invented however they eventually transitioned into mechanics or steel workers. Technology lead us to a better life and people are just afraid of the chances. That's why we eat fresh meat from a supermarket rather than going to hunt to be able to feed. Some other people believe in universal basic income which is a nice way to say advance wealthfare. I believe we must use technology to do eperform difficult labor task and reduce the amount of working hours and the pay should remains the same. More technical careers will emerge in which humans will work; This is why today you are not only an engineer, you are (electrical, communications, electronics, servo,nano technology engineer). Those career didn't exist 300 years ago. Those that recognize that what will happen is just part of evolutions are the ones who adapt quicker.

  9. Like elon musk said… Please also cite them. . This was a very one sided video I feel… As elon musk said. We will need universal basic income

  10. Nice video. One suggestiom though. You guys should really doba better job of inserting commercials. I have seen others do a great job of placing them where the switch subjects of conversation. Being interrupted in midsentence is kinda jarring.

  11. Humans are just a resource for our future childs – AI machines. There is nothing to be scared, humans are dumb and evil, anything that will make it's own decisions based on far greater knowledge than us will be better then we are.

  12. I think the the argument is moot at this point. AI is coming and as with all technology it will be used for both good and bad. Personally I'm excited about self driving cars and other bots that will help make life easier. At my job I do "coach" an AI system within our organization and yes it does take thousands of examples for it to really make a positive impact on our workload and even then not all the issues that come up can be handled by the system, sometimes it just takes a human.

  13. Industrial revolution is different from AI revolution. Industries are created to satisfy human needs at faster pace but AIs are being created to replace human at faster pace.

  14. With good intentions in the minds of geniouses inventions to benefit mankind have been corrupted and abused by the pervese to harm, harness or destroy man! Beware of what you wish for, you just might get it!

  15. Lol you go ahead and be naive bro, as someone who works in the technology industry, I assure you that within the next 40 years probably in excess of half the workforce will be obsolete, so unless governments really start planning to do something about this, there is absolutely going to be some major problems completely different from the past. I wish I could share your optimism…

  16. Well… the main problem about AI is, and will alway be, cost.
    An humain brain is very, very cheap. And it can sustain itself, move and interact with his earth environment with a bowl of rice every day.
    The cost of an AI working like an humain brain is insane.
    I'm not saying an super-AI will not come. In fact, I think they will come. But not more than a few dozen in the most wealthy countries, sustained by nuclear reactors. They will be usefull, maybe even gain consciouness and human rights… but they can't sustain themselves without an enormous amount of energy human will provide.
    They will help us, and maybe become another "symbiot" of humanity, but alone, they are not viable.

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