Consciousness Videos

Arnold B. Scheibel – How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness

Closer To Truth

Is consciousness a scientific problem to be solved? Or a philosophical problem that will remain a mystery? What do scientists who study the brain think? And why do they think the way they do? These leading brain scientists share their intimate ideas about how the brain generates consciousness.

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Arnold B. Scheibel was a Professor of Neurobiology and Psychiatry and former Director of the Brain Research Institute (BRI) at UCLA.

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26 thoughts on “Arnold B. Scheibel – How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness
  1. Our brain is a copy of the universe its actually acting out its mission with out us we barrow it but you cant wake your self up, cant stop your next thought thats coming up in 30 seconds,you dont have to remind your self to keep breathing.

  2. Good explanations of mechanisms, but still no answer to the basics. How to percept the signals. Consciousness is a spiritual process, the soul and spirit are involved in this. A new scientific paradigm is needed.

  3. So, consciousness is an extra level of brain structure/activity where instinct from the lower level of brain activity combines with stored memories derived from life experience… thus leading to more nuanced reactions to stimuli than a simple "pre-programmed" instinctual response?

  4. The brain is both physical and spiritual, the physical being the brain itself and the spiritual being what God breathed into mens nostril. The physical God made from the dust of the ground. That is in the Bible. God's word. Genesis chapter 2.

  5. Why don’t you ask a mystic about the brain ?
    Firstly consciousness is behind the brain which has a window to
    it. The two speakers are talking about awareness, perception, memory and intelligence not

  6. Questions arise, although one part of the brain lays down memory, and, from the conversation, the other part of the brain retrieves it. But, nothing can be retrieved without "movement". Thus one must ask, what is moving the consciousness to retrieve what was laid down? It cannot be from the brain, because the brain is a physical organ. Here we might ask, who and what is forming conclusions of what the brain recorded and is able to act upon?

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