
Arthouse game | Wikipedia audio article

This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:

00:01:13 1 Overview
00:07:19 1.1 “Art game” versus “game art”
00:11:35 1.2 “Art game” versus “art mod”
00:14:02 2 History
00:14:10 2.1 Origins and first wave art games
00:17:10 2.2 Rise of the “artist game”
00:20:52 2.3 Rise of the indie art game
00:22:55 3 Criticism of the term “art game”
00:24:41 4 List of art games
00:25:01 4.1 20th century
00:28:40 4.2 21st century
00:28:49 4.2.1 2000–2005
00:35:36 4.2.2 2006–2010
00:46:56 4.2.3 2011–2015
00:50:51 4.2.4 2016 onwards
00:53:20 5 See also

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“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”
– Socrates

An art game (or arthouse game) is a work of interactive new media digital software art as well as a member of the “art game” subgenre of the serious video game. The term “art game” was first used academically in 2002 and it has come to be understood as describing a video game designed to emphasize art or whose structure is intended to produce some kind of reaction in its audience. Art games are interactive (usually competitive against the computer, self, or other players) and the result of artistic intent by the party offering the piece for consideration. They also typically go out of their way to have a unique, unconventional look, often standing out for aesthetic beauty or complexity in design. The concept has been extended by some art theorists to the realm of modified (“modded”) gaming when modifications have been made to existing non-art games to produce graphic results intended to be viewed as an artistic display, as opposed to modifications intended to change game play scenarios or for storytelling. Modified games created for artistic purposes are sometimes referred to as “video game art”.
Art games are often considered a means of demonstrating video games as works of art.

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