
Artificial Intelligence Meets Mental Health Therapy | Andy Blackwell | TEDxNatick

TEDx Talks

Andy and his team are using AI in the delivery of mental health care for tens of thousands of patients with compelling results. He shares their approach as well as a vision for treating mental health conditions, which underpins his “Eight Billion Minds” program. Andy is Group Chief Science and Strategy Officer at IESO Digital Health in Cambridge, UK. His career has focused on developing innovative technologies that can improve the lives of those with mental health challenges. He trained in psychology and neuroscience at the University of St. Andrews and the University of Cambridge. Andy Blackwell is a scientist and healthcare technology entrepreneur who believes that data in our healthcare systems will fuel the discovery of a new generation of treatments and eradicate “trial and error” from medicine. This year he launched “8 Billion Minds”, a ground-breaking technology program using deep learning to decode and democratize the treatment of mental health conditions. Andy trained in cognitive neuroscience and psychology at the Univ. of St. Andrews and the Univ. of Cambridge. Through clinical research Andy has seen first-hand the often devastating impact that mental health conditions such as Depression and Anxiety Disorders have on patients and their families; this experience drives his determination to improve the quality of treatments available. Andy has worked extensively with neuroscience labs and major pharma, biotech and medical devices companies around the world and serves as Group Chief Science and Strategy Officer at Ieso Digital Health in Cambridge, UK. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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24 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence Meets Mental Health Therapy | Andy Blackwell | TEDxNatick
  1. Crippling anxiety depression drains my batteries I'm making jokes to help me cope I'm very high and very broke

  2. The required therapy for borderline personality disorder is dialectical behavioral therapy. When the subject of Canadian health care comes up, most people think of free health care. Andy and his team seem to have pointed out a glaring fact. In Canada a Canadian citizen can get free medical care for almost any physical ailment you can think of, however when it comes to mental health these same people will simply run into road blocks when it comes to no-cost therapy such as dialectical behavioral therapy. Canadian citizens are often told that their only option is the private option for which they have to pay thousands of dollars.

  3. from lengthy experience of depression and anxiety (from even before I could name my experience) ..I have come to a conclusion .. I might suggest that an Essential part of any form of cognitive therapy should be the dissemination and adoption of the practice of 'MINDFULNESS'

  4. I'm not sure if an overemphasis on data driven approaches is strictly advisable but, with refinement it is doubtless a meritorious agenda Plus … his use of newly invented digitally oriented psychotherapeutic memes was a delight in itself .. significantly lifted my mood :))

  5. Love your videos!!!

    xt is doing good things at the moment, wednesday nights are now so interesting 😆.
    I raise awareness for mental health if anybody is interested in checking out my channel. Stay positive x

  6. How about considering it a good thing like with autism now everyone wants to be autistic because its a “gift” im being sarcasticish but in all seriousness we just need to change our attitude towards it and just love eachother so people will stop using it to seek attention because the feel alone

  7. what a promising solution for a wide world serious problem ..
    I hope we make a world cooperation against depression .. I hope every struggling one to feel health and better and achieve their goals …
    Thank You

  8. Multi disciplinary approaches always effective. Physicians have been operating remotely for some considerable time. My main concern is wha is the financial cost to patients?

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