
Artificial Intelligence speech

Anthony Lee

First I would like to ask what do you think is the next biggest invention? I believe the answer is a fully operational artificial intelligent system. This would mean that society has figured out how to map a functional human brain into a computer. Now the question is how can this be done, how can any of us be a part of the next big thing. This question has many answers, but the fundamental one being computer science. I can confidently say that AI would not be possible if it were not for this study. Now AI is a complicated topic, so I will be breaking it down into 3 components that altogether define an AI, creation of a digital brain, making this brain function, and giving this digital brain the ability to process emotion.

Now, exploring the creation of AI, we should start from the beginning, creating a digital brain.

When I say creating a digital brain, I don’t mean its shape. What I mean is just the basic functions of what the brain does, storing information in a growing storage. This part is actually easy, as creating this storage is simple to create.

After this expanding storage is created however, this is where AI starts to become extremely complicated. What makes an AI an AI would be its ability to learn, machine learning. To give a machine the ability to learn, think, make connections, and make decisions is an almost impossible task to solve. Just what code, just what solution would solve it. This is something computer scientists are still trying to solve.

Now that is only one task. The last task is the ability to make and process emotion. Is it possible for machines to understand human emotion? The answer so far is no.
Most programs today can recognize emotion, but recognizing it and understanding are two different things.
Overall this task has made tremendous progress where machine emotion is coming closer and closer to becoming human emotion, thanks to the work of the computer scientists.

Now what am I trying to convey with all of this.

I said it at the beginning of the speech, computer science is the reason why the creation of AI can be a reality. To be able to map a human brain, make it functional, and to make it even recreate human emotions are all incredible feats that are possible thanks to computer science.


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