
Artificial Intelligence Tutorial | AI Tutorial for Beginners | Artificial Intelligence | Simplilearn


This Artificial Intelligence tutorial video will help you understand what is Artificial Intelligence, types of Artificial Intelligence, ways of achieving Artificial Intelligence and applications of Artificial Intelligence. In the end, we will also implement a use case on TensorFlow in which we will predict whether a person has diabetes or not. Artificial Intelligence is a method of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot or a software think intelligently in a manner similar to the human mind. AI is accomplished by studying the patterns of the human brain and by analyzing the cognitive process. Artificial Intelligence is emerging as the next big thing in the technology field. Organizations are adopting AI and budgeting for certified professionals in the field, thus the demand for trained and certified professionals in AI is increasing. As this new field continues to grow, it will have an impact on everyday life and lead to considerable implications for many industries. Now, let us deep dive into the AI tutorial video and understand what is this Artificial Intelligence all about and how it can impact human life.

The topics covered in this Artificial Intelligence Tutorial are as follows:

1. What is Artificial intelligence?
2. Types of Artificial intelligence
3. Ways of achieving artificial intelligence
4. Applications of Artificial intelligence
5. Use case – Predicting if a person has diabetes or not

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Simplilearn’s Artificial Intelligence course provides training in the skills required for a career in AI. You will master TensorFlow, Machine Learning and other AI concepts, plus the programming languages needed to design intelligent agents, deep learning algorithms & advanced artificial neural networks that use predictive analytics to solve real-time decision-making problems without explicit programming.

Why learn Artificial Intelligence?
The current and future demand for AI engineers is staggering. The New York Times reports a candidate shortage for certified AI Engineers, with fewer than 10,000 qualified people in the world to fill these jobs, which according to Paysa earn an average salary of $172,000 per year in the U.S. (or Rs.17 lakhs to Rs. 25 lakhs in India) for engineers with the required skills.

You can gain in-depth knowledge of Artificial Intelligence by taking our Artificial Intelligence certification training course. Those who complete the course will be able to:

Master the concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning
Gain practical mastery over principles, algorithms, and applications of machine learning through a hands-on approach which includes working on 28 projects and one capstone project.
Acquire thorough knowledge of the mathematical and heuristic aspects of machine learning.
Understand the concepts and operation of support vector machines, kernel SVM, Naive Bayes, decision tree classifier, random forest classifier, logistic regression, K-nearest neighbors, K-means clustering and more.
Comprehend the theoretical concepts and how they relate to the practical aspects of machine learning.
Be able to model a wide variety of robust machine learning algorithms including deep learning, clustering, and recommendation systems

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9 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence Tutorial | AI Tutorial for Beginners | Artificial Intelligence | Simplilearn
  1. Do you have any questions on this topic? Please share your feedback in the comment section below and we'll have our experts answer it for you. Also, if you would like to have the dataset for implementing the use case shown in the video, please comment below and we will get back to you.
    Thanks for watching the video. Cheers!

  2. Its nice learning from your YouTube channel but im having problem from the importing Data in to Juypter notebook i downloaded it but it other data works in import but "pima-indians_diabetes.csv" i got the data from website , please kindly guide to me plz.

  3. Do you have training company for beginners to advance here in the Philippines? or for people who do not have idea what is artificial intelligence?

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