Art Theory

Artistic Painting Robot Paints Realism – Art Robot Art

Pindar Van Arman

Pindar Van Arman’s Painting Assistant (Robot). Dahupi paints portraits and scenes as well as its favorite subject, other robots.


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11 thoughts on “Artistic Painting Robot Paints Realism – Art Robot Art
  1. @ayeressian Thanks and awesome. I am hoping more and more people make robots like this. If you ever want source code or information on where I get sturdy industrial strength components just send me an email. I can also tell you about loads of things that don't work, which may save you time. What are your initial ideas…

  2. I hope your right. But the line is becoming blurry. I keep on working on the AI of my robot and it is awful close to my creative process. For example, in one of my algorithms I can type in "flower". It will then go to google images, search out a popular flower image with good contrast and color distribution, copy it to disk, then paint it. As it paints a camera looks to see how it is doing and makes adjustments as needed. That's not far off from my own personal artistic process.

  3. from when robots can, paint realism ? wow we really are heading towards a future were human will be not needed, nothing wil be self expression any more, only mentally controled, for example (RFI CHIPS), were be cyborgs,

  4. this video is great! Funny robot, great choice in music and beautiful paintings.. Digital brain meets old and analog way of expression

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