
Arts District: Women of Abstract Expressionism

A look at the Denver Art Museum’s recent exhibit showcasing Women of Abstract Expressionism, and we talk to the director of the Clyfford Still Museum for more perspective on this art movement of the mid twentieth century. From Episode # 505:

Rocky Mountain PBS


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7 thoughts on “Arts District: Women of Abstract Expressionism
  1. Great video! There is something about Mary Abbott's "All Green" painting that really affects me. I may have to try to use it for inspiration to do a piece myself like that.

  2. It must be acknowledged that some of the female artists and promoters in the AbEx generation (Lee Krasner and Peggy Guggenheim being but a couple to be mentioned) actually helped shape the direction, aesthetics and philosophy of the movement and weren't just background players of secondary importance to the males who got the lion's share of the credit.

  3. Couldn't agree more! Why so much clyfford still? Great teacher maybe but why are we looking at his brush work and palette knife smears? Ten rooms for ten under-represented women artists and no real in depth examination of any of their techniques. Great to see some works that I'd never seen before and to see some artists that I'd been unaware of. Please, this work deserves better treatment!!! It almost seems that there was some embarrassment about examining these paintings Ian Haycox

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