Consciousness Videos

Ashtar Command ~ Your conscious knowing self WILL be lifted up

DNA Activation

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ॐ Namasté – Blessings


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11 thoughts on “Ashtar Command ~ Your conscious knowing self WILL be lifted up
  1. I see Many stars that Clearly is not regular stars..! Over Norway, there is Many big colourful, slightly moving «stars» I see them almoast Every night🥰🥰🥰

  2. I am in Central America known as the bread basket. I see nothing of your ships. But I think I feel your selves I believe and that is all. I am. I must be something special. Soonest I will know who I am.

  3. Dear Astor I need your help to save my life. I need you to get me away from this bad bad man I have been trapped with for 10 years. Please reunite me with my dear old friend Cecil who will love me and protect me for the rest of my life. Please look into my heart and see my great love for you and you will be saving my life if you do this for me. Please hear me. Please reply now. My life is in your hands please reply now.

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