
Bee Dance Language – the linguistics behind animal language


Bees dance to talk to their hive. How do they do it?

Come look at one of nature’s linguistic wonders: the bee waggle dance. This dance is so surprisingly communicative that it often gets called a language!

The length of the “waggle” part of the waggle dance contains distance information. The angle of the waggle run communicates the direction.

Other info might be hiding in the waggle dance, like familiarity, with experienced bees noticing the smell of a familiar flower:

The dancer bee might circle around for fewer waggle runs if the destination is dangerous, with some help from scents and good old fashioned bee headbutting:

If we compare other bees in other parts of the world, we even find waggle dialects and the possibility of social learning:

Audio, art, music and animation by nativlang .(tagsToTranslate)bee language(t)waggle dance(t)bee dance(t)animal communication(t)bee communication(t)Bee (Animal)(t)linguistics(t)animal language(t)language


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24 thoughts on “Bee Dance Language – the linguistics behind animal language
  1. I had read the original paper, but I'm so glad that you made this animation! It's really well done and very clear. You deserve 100x more views.

  2. Sorry, don't buy it. They just buzzing around and having a little waggle cause they happy they found pollen and the others didn't. It's like a bees version of a football player scoring a goal and goading the opposition. That's what these bees are doing – goading. That's why the other bees look so pissed while the dance occurs.

  3. That sounds fascinating. Honestly though 1Km seems far too imprecise for a bee to find something. I couldn't locate a hospital with 0.3km variance.

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