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Benefits of Minimalism | The Joy of Letting Go

Abundantly Minimal

The Joy of Letting Go: Benefits of Minimalist Living
This short film addresses many of the benefits of minimalism and shares how you can experience joy when starting to live more intentionally. Over the past four years, I am so grateful to have simplified my life and have experienced these minimalism benefits firsthand, so I hope to help you feel inspired to do the same.

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If you are looking for plant-based recipes that are healthy and simple to make, check out Sarah’s cookbook, Eat Simple:

Minimalist Favorites
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Abundantly Minimal is all about helping people live their best lives with less, whether that is through decluttering their spaces, living more intentionally, or allocating their time, energy, and finances towards what actually matters. For more ideas and resources to apply minimalism to your own life, head over to

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Disclaimers: All opinions are my own, but any links included in this description may be affiliate links, which help me support my channel, at no cost to you!

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46 thoughts on “Benefits of Minimalism | The Joy of Letting Go
  1. You are such a giver, Sarah. What an incredibly beautiful message you have shared with such depth and emotion. Simply outstanding. Thank you once again Sarah. Keep rocking.

  2. Sometimes its hard to make some people understand minimalism benefits. Also people judge you for having less stuff, like if you wear same thing too often… Still i embrace minimalism… I care less what people think and care more what matters… This video is just perfect…

  3. I’ve never heard a more pleasant voice. I could listen to her reading the phone book, if we still had phone books…beautiful, articulate and soothing. Wow!

  4. thank you for this calm post. I am at the beginning of my minimal journey. for the last few years I have let go of many societal expectations. I have become quite good at saying "No" to too many commitments. I say to myself, "I do not want to stuff 100 pounds of stuff (meaning commitments) into a 5 pound bag. This works very well for me. This needed to be the place of beginning.

  5. What a beautiful and powerful message. I’m working though my excess belongings and really enjoy the freedom it brings when you can let things go. Cleaning is easier, finding things you need is easier and the things you keep you some how love more. It’s not easy at first but looking back over 12 months or so life is better and less cluttered. My mind has followed suit.

  6. Loved this! I have decluttered, and it feels great to get rid of the physical stuff. However, i'm still struggling to really reach that calm peaceful feeling because I still waste so much time on the internet. Hours just fly by and then I'm rushing to get everything done before the work week starts again. So I guess my mind needs decluttering? It's hard to get offline sometimes but I truly want to enjoy life. I guess I need to do like an internet fast or social media fast.

  7. "The joy of feeling independent from the messages of companies and corporations that say I'm not enough" <<<< YES! This is why I'm here. Thanks for expressing it, living it and sharing it on youtube.

  8. Wow! Such a wonderful film and voiceover! More videos like that, please! I have been on this journey for 4 years as well. A big hug from Brazil!

  9. This was beautiful. I'm just starting out, baby-steps so far in simplifying my life but the word that comes to mind is FREEDOM.

  10. Thanks Sarah for uploading this! I have been on the minimalism journey for about 2 years the only area I need to work on are my shoes and the cleaning supplies. I do not want to be a minimalist but just have less I am calling it my semi minimalist lifestyle.

  11. Thank you Sara for another wonderful video, it’s so relaxing and calming and beautifully presented, It keeps reminding me of what is essential in life.Your video is a good start in the morning, 😍🌸❤️I loved it!

  12. Sarah you are a true inspiration! You are the first person I look to for guidance and motivation to live a more simplistic life. I am likely old enough to be your mother and have a chronic illness that started in my teens. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful husband who has been able to give me a very financially stable life. With that also came a big house full of clutter…! I also have a son who also likes to shop. At my age now and having been so sick for such a long time I crave a simple life. I don’t like the feeling of being overwhelmed by all of our belongings.
    I’m on a slow journey (because of restricted physical ability) to declutter my home. Watching your videos has given me the constant motivation to not give up. I only wish my husband and son could have the same vision as me. Keep the videos coming as I really need them. Love from Debbie in Canada.😊❤️

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