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BEST 10 minute Guided Meditation Intention – #izentity #meditation #mindfulness #guidedmeditation

iZENtity Guided Meditation

Welcome to this 10 minute Guided Meditation Intention Session.
Setting an Intention
Do you ever feel overwhelmed and disconnected from the present moment? If so, a 10-minute guided meditation intention session could be exactly what you need to refocus and reconnect with your inner self. In this article, you will learn about setting an intention, how to set an intention, guided meditation, breathing exercises, visualization techniques, and much more. So if you’re ready to find your focus and inner calm, read on!

What is an Intention?
An intention is an affirmation, or a positive statement, that is used to focus your energy and help manifest your goals and desires. It’s something that you consciously create with your thoughts and then bring into your life. Intention can also be used to set the tone in any situation. It can help you to stay mindful and centered, especially during moments of stress or difficulty.

When you set an intention, you are telling yourself that you will take whatever action is necessary to bring your goal into fruition. It is the power of consciousness that drives intentions to materialize.

The energy of an intention is often felt as a direct force that can inspire and guide mindful action. Setting an intentional framework can help you to gain clarity and peace of mind, leading to more positive and effective outcomes. It is important to remember that intentions can also serve to protect you from doubt, fear, and discouragement.

When it comes to setting a guided meditation intention, the key is to be honest with yourself about what it is that you really want to create in your life. It is important to be mindful of your motivations, as well as your potential areas of resistance. This can help you identify the necessary steps to take in order to bring your intentions to fruition.

Meditation is a great way to give your intentions space and to gain insight into the energy behind them. A ten-minute guided meditation intention session can help you to bring your goals into focus and to create a tangible plan of action.

Setting an intention can be an empowering experience, and it can help you become more mindful and mindful of your thoughts and feelings. With an intentional framework, you can begin to take control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, allowing you to make conscious choices that will help you to create the life that you desire.

How to Set an Intention
Setting an intention for your meditation practice is a great way to stay focused and get the most out of your session. Intention helps to cultivate clarity and focus, which in turn leads to a more meaningful and restorative inner journey.

Before starting your meditation, take a few moments to mentally or physically write down your intention. Writing down your intention may help to bring clarity to the focus of your practice. Even if you don’t have anything specific in mind, writing down something like “I choose to open my mind and heart to whatever comes up” is a great place to start.

The purpose of an intention is to provide the focus necessary to get you through the meditation journey. Some ideas for intentions may include:

– Feel more acceptance for yourself
– Allow for more emotions
– Connect with clarity
– Gain insight into a particular situation
– Learn to let go
– Feel calm

When writing down your intention, put yourself into a mindful mindset. Take time to contemplate your mental, emotional and spiritual needs. You may find it helpful to focus on a single phrase that resonates with you.

After writing down your intention, it is important to let it go. It is not necessary to keep re-reading your intention during the meditation session. Doing so will limit your capacity for growth and new experiences. Take a few deep breaths and release any attachment to the words you wrote.

Now you’re ready to begin the meditation. During the session, focus your attention on your breath and the sensations of your body. If your mind starts to wander, remind yourself of your intention and redirect your attention back to your breath.

As you continue to meditate, notice how your intentions are being met. Perhaps you are actively noticing changes in your body or emotions, or maybe you get a feeling of acceptance and warmth.

At the end of the session, take a few moments to thank yourself for doing the intention work and taking time to honor your inner self. Know that you have done something important for yourself and your wellbeing.


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2 thoughts on “BEST 10 minute Guided Meditation Intention – #izentity #meditation #mindfulness #guidedmeditation
  1. So beautiful🙏! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could experience such an intense & amazing meditation 🧘‍♀️. Truly powerful ❤. Thank you 🙏 to you All. Love ❤️ u 🕊️❄️🙏

  2. I am listening for the second time already. Infinite love and gratitude ❤🙏♥️ tears of relief ♥️ This is so precious

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