
Best of Daniel Dennett Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 1

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Best of Daniel Dennett Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 1. This video is a compilation of best moments of Daniel Dennett’s amazing arguments and clever comebacks.

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27 thoughts on “Best of Daniel Dennett Amazing Arguments And Clever Comebacks Part 1
  1. Dennett's references to "Lucille", his "friend" who is "always right" have taken on a whole new meaning for me after the last two seasons of The Walking Dead.

  2. Your so smart make a man or show me your blueprint tell me how they knew the world was round when no one believed it the Bible is full of science

  3. Bashar Assad imprisoning everyone? Really! Your arguments are sound but this particular example was poorly plucked out of the air and apes the West's propaganda. The big difference is that you Mr Dennett as a sane and rational person could be convinced of this!

  4. Thanks. Free book truthcontest dot com. What it says will turn this world around if it reaches enough people. You will see what I mean when you read the first page .

  5. Yahweh is not beyond the verification process of science. We know he does not exist because science proves he is a liar. I would like to know which God Daniel is referring to. Unless we define what the name God means, this discussion is useless. Is God man, the universe? What is God? I can't begin to discuss a premise that has not been defined.

  6. Oh, how wrong Dennett was about the internet. He just could not imagine how social media and human biases would trump access to information and how we would create our own bubbles where we are immune towards conflicting information and knowledge. The flat earth movement is a good example. In the internet age it has grown from an obscure fringe phenomenon to a global movement. Yes, it's still a small and quite obscure phenomenon but it thrives in the age of the internet. It should have been obvious to all of us that the internet will not liberate us from ignorance or our cognitive biases. We've had public libraries for ages. The public has had access to countless journals and magazines for just as long. Yes, now we can get information without even leaving our houses but it was not hard to find information that contradicted religious doctrines before either. People just weren't interested in looking for it. In the pasts, there were at least a few sources of common knowledge that most people subscribed to (mainstream media) but these days you can effectively shield yourself from any conflicting information. I would say that the internet has only made things worse and at least for the foreseeable future I don't see how it will get any better. The internet might actually be the final nail in the coffin for the free world.

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