
Better Left Unsaid

YouTube Movies

The premise behind Better Left Unsaid, lies in the unconfined analysis of the often violent extremism of today’s Western political landscape. As liberal democracy becomes increasingly challenged in the West, we expose the dangerous tactics employed by the radical-left and far-right, alike. In a world where political polarization frames the way in which we live, a new path forward of unity is needed more than ever before. The value of the film lies in its impact, brevity and digestibility – as we confront the philosophical underpinnings of the radical left and their extreme right counterpart.


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15 thoughts on “Better Left Unsaid
  1. This was pretty good, albeit a little scattered. I totally believe that Curt came from a math/physics background, as the film presents itself as political content discussed in scientific terms. Sometimes, like many math teachers I've had, they try to condense a lot of material into a short period of time. Like the logical induction he lays out towards the end is a cool way of looking at things, but throwing around the Reichenbach principle and other fancy jargon had my head swirling a bit. There's also one key figure missing from this film: JONATHAN HAIDT. So much of his work is crucial to this conversation, shocked he isn't here or at least mentioned. TLDR; a little rough around the edges, but informative and interesting. Would watch more of Curt's content in the future.

  2. A relief to see a moderate voice leaning to the right and backing it up with quality thinking . Unfortunately , the last half hour of the movie seems like the punch line to what is ultimately an anti- socialist view point. It is at this point where the logic dissolves and fails to mention many of the beneficial aspects of socialist reform that we use every day in a free society . Pure socialism has had deadly results -but so has a lack of affordable health care . Health care should not be associated with Lenin style genocides. Health care should be associated with inalienable rights like freedom of speech .

  3. Make no mistake, our society will collapse if we continue to focus on pointless things. Ironically the future is the patriarchy, you can not deny the power of masculine energy when things fall apart. In 30 years our society will drop to their knees when a strong man walks by

  4. “Popular opinions, on subjects not palpable to sense, are often true, but seldom or never the whole truth. They are a part of the truth; sometimes a greater, sometimes a smaller part, but exaggerated, distorted, and disjoined from the truths by which they ought to be accompanied and limited. Heretical opinions, on the other hand, are generally some of these suppressed and neglected truths, bursting the bonds which kept them down, and either seeking reconciliation with the truth contained in the common opinion, or fronting it as enemies, and setting themselves up, with similar exclusiveness, as the whole truth.” – John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

  5. Such an important work and I'm so happy to have seen it and to have supported the effort by renting it through the film's website. I'm afraid for the direction America and the west is (potentially) heading and I am committing myself to fighting for our founding values, as well as making sure that everyone, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, etc.has equal opportunity to what this county offers. Thank you Curt and Desh!

  6. Over the past 2 years, I've often considered that all these social issues come down to two fundamentally different worldviews. Those who believe in God and those who do not. It seems (and the film seems to conclude) that those on the [left and right] extremes typically lack faith and express intolerance for anyone not agreeing with them. Those in the middle (conservative and moderate left), typically hold dear their tenant of faith and seem to express tolerance, grace, forgiveness, and a sincere desire to keep the conversation going. I pray that the conversation is never silenced, but that it continues in the absence of self-righteousness. Bravo to Curt and Desh for an exceptionally well-researched and well-produced documentary. Perhaps the most lucid account of our times.

  7. The white supremacists have traditionally been Democrats not conservatives. American far right is more defined by individual rights, property rights, limited national government and libertarianism. You got the far Left part correct but not the far right. Still, it’s a good film nonetheless for identifying identity politics as a root cause of social and political destruction and de-evolution.

  8. In response to someone's comment about "Inalienable right to healthcare" – once again – draws on parallels of deliberate & FORCED equality via powers that be and proved itself irrefutably unsustainable in practice by even the most capable societies, aside the related atrocities, the notion is simply untenable factoring merely the ever increasing dynamics of resource management, technology, IP & profits to no lesser degree as the dominant factor enjoyed and skewed heavily towards the goverment, should you be inclined ever to truly scrutinize the facts at hand….why do you think drone Obommer didn't deliver on his promises of healthcare for all?

    Remember, >99 for EVERYTHING you pay for is TAX & mandatory fees…and the direct highest beneficiary is…?

    Face it, the public access to – globally very competitive – healthcare for ALL already exists under the moniker No Refusal to Emergency by providers, MedicAid, Welfare, etc.

    In addition, many of private choices exists, both domestic & abroad as does the choice to point fingers or suggest pink elephants fly.

  9. Terrible ending but excellent overview. So what's missing? There is no Far Right or Far Left. There is Individual Liberty under a rights respecting constitutional republican system government, based on man's inalienable rights or there is NOT. Totalitarianism is the enemy. The King, Mob, Religious Dictator—it's all the same thing. The purpose of Government is to enshrine our rights and protect us from force and fraud—full STOP. This esoteric myth crap is not necessary. Every man can find his own spiritual enlightenment however he sees fit but marrying the worship of unreason in politics leads to mass murder. The American system as envisioned by the founders (at their best) is the right structure for individual liberty (minus their own violations of rights).

    The Critical Theorists / Post Modernists / Neo-Marxists are destroying us. We cannot fight them with "myth" or "but God said so". Pull your head out of your ass and FIGHT for American values. Americans have never aimed at a religious or myth-based state. They want freedom.

    The attack against "straight white christians" is an attack on what they represent—THE WEST and Western Man. Not "Western looking man" but WESTERN ideas of the Individual above the group.

    If America has a myth, it goes back to Greece and Rome. MAN as HERO. MAN who can do anything that he sets his mind too. NOT man subjugated to the group, the volk, the mob or the race. And that includes those men who purport to speak on God's behalf, who are often just as evil as any of these totalitarian marxists.

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