
Better Together: Humanity + Machine Learning


Artificial intelligence has not only become an international arms race, competition has now heated up as companies look to adopt machine learning/deep learning at an unprecedented pace. But the conversation about AI has largely focused on pitting humanity against AI, instead of what happens when we bring together humans *with* AI. In this talk by a16z operating partner Frank Chen, given at the annual a16z Summit, Chen goes beyond the hype to look forward at how AI and automation will augment, enhance, create, and yes, replace humans…. but also highlighting what it is that makes us human to begin with.

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9 thoughts on “Better Together: Humanity + Machine Learning
  1. Incredible case studies of AI benefitting humanity. However, I think the framing in the beginning is a straw man of the concerns of people like Elon, Nick Bostrom etc. Of course, this technology can do some amazing things for us, but dismissing the safety and economic concerns out of hand seems wrong to me.

  2. please make the ai to ascertain psychological evaluation of humans suggest task, activity, free learning resources to re skill and make them selves ready for New position, advance from current position, prepare for their current SWOT, and move to better future positions.
    please prepare people ready to change and change the world in better direction.
    i would like to know how to prepare for chief ethics officer.

  3. Great presentation. It's good to hear about some of the ways AI is already helping (or will do so in the future). Like any tool, AI can be used for good or bad. What makes it intimidating is that it's such a powerful tool and it's easy to get your hands on one. ? We'll be careful. Humans are selfish selfless creatures. A paradox. As much as we care about ourselves and are too self-centered sometimes, we care more about meaning, making a difference, and being part of something bigger than us.

  4. Looking at the chart for compassion and optimization, I'm rather doubtful that the compassionate-but-optimizable quadrant is not going to be automated away. Basic teaching, beauty counselling, tutoring may work better with a compassionate human but if you can save 95% of the cost with only 10% inconvenience, it will be done. Digital assistents already try to pretend to be human and it'll only get better at faking it. Note that there are much much fewer jobs available in the non-automatable segments and paying 300 million people a living wage to write newspaper columns is probably a non-starter šŸ˜‰

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