
Black Holes and the Fundamental Laws of Physics – with Jerome Gauntlett

The Royal Institution

Black holes are extraordinary and may even hold the key to unlocking the next phase in our understanding of the laws of physics.
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Black holes are amongst the most extraordinary objects that are known to exist in the universe. Jerome Gauntlett will discuss their fascinating properties and describe the dramatic recent observations of black holes using gravitational waves. He will also explain why it is believed that black holes hold the key to unlocking the next level of our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.

Jerome Gauntlett is a professor of theoretical physics at Imperial College. His principal research interests are focussed on string theory, quantum field theory and black holes. Most recently he has been investigating whether string theory techniques can be used to study exotic states of matter that arise in condensed matter physics. He was Head of the Theoretical Physics Group at Imperial from 2011-2016.

He was the theoretical physics consultant for the film The Theory of Everything and he has an Erdos-Bacon number of six (having written a paper with Shing-Tung Yau and appeared in the film Windrider with Nicole Kidman).

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47 thoughts on “Black Holes and the Fundamental Laws of Physics – with Jerome Gauntlett
  1. It is nice how these "TV scientists" always say "something must be this way" or "something must be related to this theory". Nothing can be out of what they already think they know.

  2. you know that black holes are a costruct and does not exist, it has been proven several times and by the US military and Einestine didn't really believe in the concept of gravity!

  3. What is all the fuss about, we know and understand mirage in desert here on earth, why is it such a big deal in space.
    Making a big deal over nothing if you ask me.

    I would like to see a video about how we can stop destroying our food, water, soil and air by enforcing the protection of these things; however,
    the enforcers are the ones that are profiting from these things.

    As long as we got smart people staring at mirages, the important things that matter here on earth will continue to go south.
    It is sad, but as a whole we are no smarter than bacteria and from space that must be exactly what we look like.

  4. The rubber sheet model he uses doesn't show space dilation correctly for a black hole. The amount of stretch of the rubber sheet, the dilation of space, is given by the Shapiro Delay. The Shapiro Delay from any point in space to an event horizon is infinite so the amount of rubber sheet stretch outside of the event horizon should be infinite. Also, the sheet will be vertical at the event horizon.

  5. What about the energy required in the first place to create a magnet of the strength needed to hold a paper clip against gravity? Saying "..magnetism is stronger than gravity" is like saying a Duracell battery has more electricity in it than a piece of lead, so what?

  6. What he failed to explain correctly at 26:00 is that the two Black Holes converging are not just a function of frequency and amplitude increase. It is also a function of acceleration.
    Explosion is the wrong term to describe this, as explosions do not have oscillation data. This would more accurately be described as a BHCW (Black Hole Convergence Wave).

  7. All diagrams of a black hole singularity show space being bent to a point like a vortex in a sinkhole or a tornado. But what I don’t get is that space exists in 3 dimensions, so what determines the direction in which the singularity occurs?

  8. Here's my take…. It's quite a beautiful, cyclical, conformal, quantum-relativistic multiverse model of my mind….

    Liquid Crystal Space — Bottom-Up Universe Thought Experiment.. A Fun Model

    Constraints: 3D, minimal base rules + parts. Zero singularities with the infinite possible

    Like charges repel, unlike attract. A -ve ether balances close-packed +ve lattice cells
    Escape velocity = light speed (C) tied to the constant time light takes to move between cells

    Extron: extra cell compresses the lattice, pulls in ether that maybe repels as rays/fountains

    A free extra cell attracts ether that pulls in 2×3 polar + 6 equatorial cells. Hardcore vibes
    Cells pushed in front form 6 inertia-providing flows to the -ve emptying ethereal space behind
    Lattice geometry may spin traveling extrons like a Rodin coil. Surrounding lattice 'blips'

    Holon: lattice hole pulls in cells that repel and flow out as rays

    The hole left behind's excess -ve ether pulls in, stretches and blips the +ve lattice
    12 surrounding cells accelerate to escape velocity and repel (no singularity)
    'Stabilises' as 6 equatorial and 2×3 polar flows. -ve if both poles flow in, +ve if out

    Dipolon / Matter-Antimatter:

    Close extron-holon pairs with exactly equal phases annihilate, else they form a dipolon
    Extron-holon pairs created at exactly the same time have exactly equal phases
    Black holes over critical density force core extrons+holons exactly in phase. A universe is born

    Mass / Gravity / Dark Energy: lattice charge balance, holon inflow, entanglement, universe crust

    Mass is (the number of) out of place lattice cells. An object's extrons + holon charge flow
    Mass pulls in ether that drags mass. Lattice cell repulsion is countered less elsewhere
    Directional lattice cell 'blips' up to 1 cell radius and the speed of light effect matter
    Everything's connected and inflows always lead to the centre, outflows bounce around
    A feeding black hole universe's inner crust annihilates to empty space, inflating the lattice

    Charge / Current: -ve attractive inward / +ve repulsive outward flows

    Lattice: 1 cell volume of ether: -6, cell: +6. Pulls 6 opposites to light speed in 1 local cell length
    Holon: 1 wide or hexagonal, gravity-formed 3 cell wide or (linked) extron flows. Both poles + or –
    Extron: Attracted ether sticks (permanently) or repels as rays with both poles +ve or -ve
    Close flows effect each other and regional gravity fields effect velocity and direction

    Photon / Light / Time: relatively quantum.. lattice compression-expansion blobs ripple holon flows

    Lattice shockwave with compressed, +ve mass/charge front and stretched, -ve rear. Overall massless
    Transverse waves in holon flows. No mass added but holon flows have mass and 2D adds effective area

    Moves between lattice cells in a universal constant time. Crossing denser lattice takes more energy
    Gravity shrinks and acceleration compresses the lattice so both absolutely slow light locally
    Units shrink too and acceleration slows base processes so light speed in a vacuum measures C locally
    Velocity stretches base processes in time (orbits, charge loops..) as they travel further to complete

    Black Hole Universes / Recursive Conformity : Big Bang = 2 black holes merging or 1 exploding

    Smallest time division / phase difference = Planck Time. Smallest cell size = Planck Length
    Feeding black hole Planck size core (crust) cells force extrons+holons in phase. Annihilatation
    The central sub-universe is finite but grows. Lattice inflates as the inner crust turns to space
    Total energy and matter potential is conserved and the rules are conformal, the same at all scales
    Level n +/- particle lattice fields or a cubic lattice of joined holons + free particles are possible


    Level 1 Particles: Extrons, Holons – pseudo-monopole dipoles with flat ins, fat outs or v.v.

    3D polar flows are more concentrated than flat equatorial flows so effect particles more
    Make lattice and holon flow waves that if split by a slit interfere, often altering the particle path
    Strong gravity may force (some) particle outflows to repel back to its inflows in various patterns

    Level 2 Particles: Dipolon: extron+holon.. Diextron: +ve + -ve extron.. Diholon: +ve + -ve holon

    Extrons merge with or ride holon charge flows or get stuck to holon poles or (orbit) the equator
    Outflows bond and/or entangle with other inflows in circuits. Everthing is connected
    Strong gravity may help fuse particles by forcing their field warp vibes to partly overlap in phase

    The Standard Model: the possibilities are numerous

    Many particle collider scatterings may be 'ghost particles' – directional, high velocity, short-lived holes and chunks of space in space too large to stabilise, forcing the lattice to violently 'heal' back to empty regular space. May also be (groups of) in phase extron-holon pairs created from the lattice, not just/at all from the smashed matter. The model allows 1 missing/extra cell per L1 particle, anything more rapidly disintegrates to dust.

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