
Britten: Simple Symphony – Fourth Movement (Frolicsome Finale)

Simple Symphony, Op. 4
Frolicsome Finale: Prestissimo con fuoco

This symphony for string orchestra was composed by Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) during his childhood.

Orpheus Chamber Orchestra



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30 thoughts on “Britten: Simple Symphony – Fourth Movement (Frolicsome Finale)
  1. I absolutely love how fast this movement actually is. Especially now that we are playing it (almost) up to tempo in my school orchestra. It is just quite fun.
    -Violist named Fitzy

  2. My school orchestra is bringing this piece to all-state contest, and I'm playing the first violin part. It sounds great, but I'm super nervous for some parts!

  3. The switches from minor to Major are a little abrupt. That said, the Deceptively Simple Symphony contains four of my all time favorites.

  4. The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra played this incredibly fast too, and I felt ashamed at my inability to do it like them. But seriously, these people are amazing for playing it fast and well.

  5. If someone could help me, I have a question…
    I have to play this song for my highschool orchestra auditions. Our conductor has been taking it pretty slow considering tempo for it so far, but I can play it up to speed. So, for my audition, how should I take the speed? (We audition one by one in little practice rooms and it gets recorded, so I could pretty much play it whatever speed I'd want to) but what would be the correct tempo for it in this scenario?

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