Consciousness Videos

Can quantum mechanics explain consciousness? Exploring the particle mind

Eva Deli

#cognition #cognitivescience #consciousness #cosmos #metaphysics
What is the origin of dualism and the belief in the afterlife? New scientific research can analyze the thermodynamic basis of cognition and point toward a particle-like unity and coherence. Moreover, the same particle-like quality lends a self-identification from birth to death despite the constant bodily and mental change.

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4 thoughts on “Can quantum mechanics explain consciousness? Exploring the particle mind
  1. How you see 2d flat land of MeMory , tri3- bo 8- log y , fri-ct-ion, surface, area
    in relation to 3d voLUMe ?

    Seek for Nikola Tesla, Der Gedanken Projector and his quotes. Some are below.

    talk within..
    KHonSHu and multiple projections.. :-))

    There is no energy in matter other than received from the environment.
    I need no electrons to drive my engines.
    Humans are machines receiving thoughts from elsewhere. [meaning brain is lock and mind is load]
    If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
    Der GedankenProjector. Nikola Tesla. ( God's helmet, magnetosomes)
    Brain works on same frequencies as Earth. My brain is only receiver…
    I have not penetrated in secrets (C+R-ests STates taSTes)
    of that sour-ce( forCe ][+][ forGe) but I know it exists.
    +x swaSTika & twiNe 29

    whirpool vortex, mind bender

    Humans are multicellular lightning bolts. Over 30 billion volts. Nick Lane.
    Information as voltage difference, concentration. Michael Levin, blueprint of life.

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