Consciousness Videos

Can science solve consciousness? | Donald Hoffman and Lex Fridman

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Donald Hoffman is a cognitive scientist at UC Irvine and author of The Case Against Reality.

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23 thoughts on “Can science solve consciousness? | Donald Hoffman and Lex Fridman
  1. This is intriguing.Donald Hoffman has been pitching this for quite a while now. What has come of it? What are the experiments and the associated data. What does the data show? What does the scientific community say about how to interpret his results. I never hear about any of that. Just the same old pitch.

  2. someone has learned that you don't have to travel faster than the speed flight to go to places that light can't no longer reach.
    Light can't move faster inside space, but what is the max speed outside it?
    We have to move with the fabric of the universe that moves faster than the speed of light.

  3. of course always primitive now – but the magic is the ability to even speculate beyond immediate environment – are there any constraints on this and does relativism ultimately and sadly apply based on the ' mental apparatus' of a species? – how does the consciousness know itself – how do we throw off this mortal coil once and for all – perhaps mortality is just as don suggests an interface illusion – will science give us the certainty that religion cannot – this is the dream. I have followed Don for years now and its great he is getting more mainstream attention. The ideas are embryonic but will develop over the next few centuries much like the enlightenment phase and cause the paradigm shift that we all crave perhaps a mind/body relationship with no boundaries

  4. I have a lingering hunch that we’re all segments of the same consciousness who voluntarily “put a quarter in the machine” to see how we/I treat ourselves/myself, when ignorant of subjectivity. I.e. I am the cartel dude, and the victims who were brutalized by him. You are me.
    I suspect that when our collective consciousness rejoins our higher order sentience, it won’t seem like a big deal.

  5. Живиш у нижој сфери живота
    Још нижа је пакао
    Већа је небо
    Живот ти је у Божијем духу како са почетка тако до краја.
    Живиш на земљи равна плоча а твоја перцепција стварности је јако погрешна
    Што је свјесност?
    Јако компликовано има везе са Ноах потоп, нефили и бабилонска кула?
    Родиш се на некој локацији а онда на тој локацији већ живи неко ко те научи у већини случајева "што и они знају"
    А све те локације се појавиле послије бабилонске куле. Није Америка али зар не знамо како се то појавило

    Значи већ својим рођењем ти ушао као нови живот у Божији дух на тебе још дошло душа твоја и ти постао жив човјек на локацији а б ц д е
    А мени то рецимо за разлику од свих вас не каже ништа

    Ма гдје да сам "некако си одржавам живот" а то што ја радим везе нема да ли сам на локацији а б с д ж љ њ то ми не каже ништа

  6. The body offers experiences through the five senses, the mind (=thoughts) offers mental experiences. We don’t learn about ourselves though these experiences. We can only learn what the PLAY (illusory Maya) offers as possibilities as experiences. The real functioning of how do we know the experiences, call it the “experiencing (without equating it to any expressible experience!)” or the “knowing” can never be understood by the investigating of any experience. Science can only investigate experiences (observations, …). So Reality is this “knowing”, it is in every single dot of space, but the space too is part of the play. Te play is also called “ a mere apparition”. Time is also required for the play. How can something be observed without it being 3 dimensional AND existing for a certain DURATION. It is better to use the word duration instead of time. So, yes, we (humans) but animals and even plants can reach the state of pure knowing, of knowing Reality. But never will our scientific or even spiritual expressions really reveal what Reality is. All disciplines can only point at it. But if one perseveres (which comes by itself) one will reach the final (also original) Understanding of Reality. It answers the question “what is really everything?” In one swoop. And that “person” can also not express it, yet it knows. But the person also sees through the illusion, it was never a person in a universe, it knows “it is Reality, just like anybody and anything else”. There was never anything else than Reality. The apparition caused by AND in this indescribable essence of Reality cannot even be explained by an enlightened person: he or she simply knows IT. It is knowing that is both knowing and not-knowing IF YOU WANT TO EXPRESS IT AGAIN. That is why also anything in the expression (the universe) is filled with all sorts of opposites. The game (the illusion) can never reach completion but at least “it will try forever” by having all sorts of opposites (cold, warm, good, bad, war, peace, …). Reality really doesn’t care about morality, it just allows everything to be possible in the universal play, because it knows – inexpressibly – it is uncaused, unborn, deathless, Perfection beyond description, indestructible, not improvable, not diminishable, forever (timeless). And WE ARE THAT (REALITY). An enlightened person doesn’t require proof, that can be expressed in a scientific, religious, spiritual, religious way. He or She just knows it from direct knowing that can’t be expressed.

  7. I believe the idea being discussed at the end is called feedback. It is self interaction. As it applies to consciousness.

    The universe is more like a mirror. When you view the universe, you are also seeing the results of you looking at the universe. Observation comes from you, a constituent of the universe you are trying to observe.

  8. Entropy time and space set limits to the existence of consciousness…the universe had to evolve to the point of hosting it, the universe and entropy will continue to unwind beyond any place in time able to hold mind… beginning and end are the point all matter is unwound into a place without it…leaving only energy…eternal point with no space or time…without space, no difference between the ultimately expanded cold matter less universe of the end, or the hot beyond measurements infinite point seen as a big bang exist. The loop associated with entropy too is eternal… whether you like it or not.

  9. If you talk The person is blind you asked the question what is working imagination right that's the answer we have something there. You say if we close my eyes I don't see anything that's not true.🙏🏻

  10. How you explain in deep meditation I stop breathing? I BEcome aware of my body and my mind but Im not inside. I hope i explain my experience for you understand. We are a diferent energie, the real we, the real I, we are beyONd This matrix, This mINd and body, we are souls. We the soul evolve havin This experiences.

  11. I know many people who I consider are way smarter than I am yet this kind of thinking is completely wacko in their eyes but I personally find the ability to atleast give this type of thinking a chance a higher form of intelligence but I’m also over here smoking hella weed but if I never smoked at all I wonder if I would even consider this plausible at all. Drugs are tools but I’m honestly abusing this one 😂

  12. if you mean by consciousness what refer in Arabic= روح then this is a god thing humanity lose a lot of great minds in undeveloped countries due to poverty and tolitariznism science will lead to faith and time between us

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