Eckhart Tolle
An eloquent summation of the dysfunctional mind pattern that is the ego and what happens to it in the face of awareness.
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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.
Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening.
Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.
In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.
Thank you, Mr. Tolle.
So very clear. I'm glad Eckhart explained this one thing, because it is so easily confused. And goodness knows confusion lies at the root of the suffering tree.
Thank you for presenting yourself to mee
Wow, so vivid!
He's truly humble Yoda. I love that he thanks everyone for their question, that's so rare and unique.
This man has helped me transform my mind in a very positive way.. now I have more peace in my life
I'm so close to the light but the ego just interrupts it
I'm so close to the light but the ego just interrupts it
Here from musk
I could be wrong but I don't think the ego is going away anytime soon. I do believe that any individual can transcend the ego.
Waheguru π
Maravillosa revelaciΓ³n
Wow!!!!!! this is my first video i`m watching of yours, i`m simply blown away, thank you, such a beautiful Metaphor
Interesting…. Bout a month ago I just got fed up with dealing with all the things everyone said about the ego and what to do with it… I.e. Destroy it,dissolve it, cast it out, ignore it, convince it that it was not going to non existence and so on and so on..
Sooooo one day, I thought ,well since I truly am everything within my creation then stands to "reason" that on some level I was the ego. Next thing that came about was as the ego I felt that all I was really doing was trying to protect me from what the physical mind (which can only know how things "have" happened and how things "are" happening) thought . Being conditioned as it was from the "past". I also felt that as the ego I was utterly exhausted from
Trying to do the 'job" that I could not truly do, because that job was for the "higher mind" (soul if you will) Then again as the ego I was grateful to be recognized and choose to be dissolved within the higher soul that I am and transformed into the light of what I am…..
Whatever "shows up in my reality, first I realize it's my creation and that on some level it serves me ,secondly I love it, thirdly I know .if it's there it has a right to exist,until it no longer serves my highest good….
ha! Sounds like ramblings of a soul that's within remembrance…
Sincerely πΉ
P.s. Not totally "dissolved " however much ,much more peaceful with far less negative voices in my "head". .
I love you Eckhart Tolle πππππ
I love the comment by @osmo. It's not a doing but rather a new way of sensing/viewing/being.
So if you can
"practice" this you begin to notice "Am I that voice that is talking in my head or am I the seer, he/she who sees that?"
What does Eckhart mean by identification?
All you really need is to be aware that thought is going trough your head when it is going trough your head, if you are not aware that you are thinking then you "are" the thoughts, you become what you think.
Eckhart may be right that the reason this is happening is a evolutionary step. A metamorphosis that is meant to happen, by the will of nature rather than any man or woman… But I don't think the woman's answer (or the titular question was fully answered).
What is the mechanism by which the ego dissolves?
Obviously, it doesn't choose to dissolve by itself. Putting Eckhart's explanation in new words, the ego can be thought of as a "crude manifestation" of universal intelligence rather than a "distinct entity". Hence, the caterpillar into a butterfly metaphor.
The metaphor that came into my own mind is that of a child playing with robot dolls. At first, the child thinks it IS the dolls, it becomes identified with the game. It suffers greatly because of how seriously it takes everything. The fact that a child plays with dolls at all is miraculous and one step above previous evolutions. However, this manifestation of the child can be called the ego.
But then awareness comes in. And the child realizes that it is not the toys. Rather, it is merely experiencing the world through them. It is something far greater. It is the awareness… the consciousness beneath the doll's thoughts.
This is the manifestation of consciousness. Awareness. The end of ego.
Everyone in that audience glimpses this state of being and keeps trying to go back. But it is not something the doll can "do". It can only happen when the one who makes the doll "do" things realizes that it is watching from outside.
I've never felt as one with anyone as I feel with you. You are my form and formless hero! I love you. I hold you in my heart and you will be there in my last breath.
This was so beautiful and so helpful. Thanks π
In order to become a butterfly the caterpillar actually dies.
The Ego is dying already.