
China: See Keeko the robot teach school children in Xiamen


Xiamen-based artificial intelligence company Keeko demonstrated how they are leading the way in the field of education technology on Friday, as their robots assisted teachers with classes.

SOT, Guo Changchen, Keeko founder and CEO (Cantonese): “Future smart children education will certainly focus on the development of creativity, the ability to develop children’s divergent thinking ability and logical thinking ability.”

SOT, Guo Changchen, Keeko founder and CEO (Cantonese): “China’s intelligent interactive ability is strong, China has large reserves of scientific research, a strong supply chain system in the field of intelligent interaction, can play a very important role in China.”

SOT, Guo Changchen, Keeko founder and CEO (Cantonese): “The robot has an assistant role in education. It can improve teaching with fun to reduce the burden on parents and teachers, so that they can develop children more effectively.”

SOT, Guo Changchen, Keeko founder and CEO (Cantonese): “The robot has a lot of teaching interaction, so that a lot of inexperienced parents quickly find ways to interact – such as the completion of common programming tasks, so that parents that accompany it are more efficient, happier.”

SOT, Guo Changchen, Keeko founder and CEO (Cantonese): “When my first child was born, I wanted to create a robot for him. I found a lot of nursery partners to come together to complete this thing. All this, I want to talk to our early heart.”

SOT, Guo Changchen, Keeko founder and CEO (Cantonese): “There is a lot of difficulty in having no access to children’s smart products, and we need to make targeted development from hardware to experience, content, and scenarios.”

Video ID: 20170505-040
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