Consciousness Videos

CIA document~ The Gateway Experience / Nature of Consciousness|Reality (PDF included)

This Little Cookie

This CIA document was commissioned back in 1983, written by Commander Wayne McDonnell. It’s public release was 20 years later in 2003, and has been making its rounds of late.

PLEASE NOTE: This audio is not of the entire document (29 pages), and only .details the introductory letter for McDonnell’s Commander, along with the first point (of 37).

Worthy of inclusion was the first part of point 34, [(the rest was omitted & may well have been the most important part, drawing together all kinds of strings (in my humble opinion)]. Notably, it’s not only a portion of point 34 that is missing, so too are points 35 & 36).

I welcome your thoughts.

Until this plannedemic was imposed on the collective, I had the best “job,” working with young people as an alternative educator.
Coming upon this document of late, my first thought was “why is this not part of all education curriculum Globally?!”
A rhetorical question of course, however as more and more information of the like is released to the public and shared outwardly, I keep coming back to the same question- why wasn’t this shared earlier? The Law of Attraction, Time Travel, Outer Body Experiences…full use of all our senses, not just the five we are accustomed to- are only a matter of learning so that we can truly and very literally create our reality. It is not hocus pocus, it is science- the field of the quantum. This is but the tip of the iceberg.

#wethepeople #greatawakening #thenewearth


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