Consciousness Videos

Codependency Learning To Master Your Emotions By Awakening the Observer Self

Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach Inc.

Codependents become their feelings. We do not know how to observe our feelings because we are stuck in survival mode. We can learn to observe our feelings and even heal our own dark energy.

I wanted to do a video that helped explain a simple technique that allows you to learn how to DETACH from your emotions. You are not your emotions dear one–but you must learn to observe and honor emotions–even if they are negative emotions. Its okay to be sad, or unhappy when the situation at hand is sad or unhappy.

We are obsessed with being afraid to feel a negative emotion–because we have never been taught to process our emotions-or to be able to feel them at all. Some of us are so afraid to feel negative emotions because we fear we will be engulfed by them.

Learning to observe your emotions will allow you to be more able to process those dank energies. You can do this dear one! Let me know how it goes!

Dealing with negative feelings, turning negative energy into positive energy. overcome negative feelings, emotions and energy

If you believe you suffer from codependency issues, narcissistic abuse, and or have been raised by narcissistic parents this channel is for you. Whether you come from a dry home (non alcoholic-emotionally-verbally-psychologically-physically-sexually abusive home) or an alcoholic/drug addicted home, you may suffer from codependency programming.

I believe codependency personality disorder–is real, and it is the result of being raised to believe you are unworthy. When you are raised to believe you are unworthy, every thought that passes through the filter in your mind–is tainted by that thought which eventually becomes a belief.

What will help us all, is when we learn about how our childhood–and our brainwave states impacted our impressionable subconscious minds. Why? Because what you learned about your Self between the ages of 0-8 has become your psychological set point; how you see your Self and the world. Why? Because children are hypnotic brainwave states during this time of their life.

If you were not loved unconditionally–you have been downloaded to believe you are not worthy of love. For the rest of your life, you may seek outside validation to fill that void–AND in the process attract narcissists who NEED to be sought after–taken care of–and praised.

It is my hope that this channel opens your eyes to the divine YOU that lays in waiting–until you wake up and realize–its not you–its your programming. (copyright Lisa A. Romano 2015)

Lisa A. Romano is a Breakthrough Life Coach who specializes in helping people heal their childhood programming. If you have been raised by alcoholics, narcissists, or if you are struggling with codependency, and have been attracting narcissists into your life these videos will help you unravel the dysfunctional beliefs that are holding you back. codependent personality disorder.

This channel speaks to those interested in “codependent counseling”, “codependent therapists”, “codependent no more”, question “What is codependency?”, “narcissistic abuse survivors”, “codependency issues”, and “codependent recovery”.

If you are interested in reading Lisa’s books they are;

The Road Back To Me
My Road Beyond The Codependent Divorce
Loving The Self Affirmations-Healing Unconscious Codependent Belief Systems
Quantum Tools To Help You Heal Your Life Now
Loving The Self Affirmations-Healing Childhood Brainwashing

Workbooks and Mp3’s




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36 thoughts on “Codependency Learning To Master Your Emotions By Awakening the Observer Self
  1. wow. very cool. I do feel the energy in my hands. Its easier to see my sadness separate from me this way. Thank you for all your videos. I am listening to you every day. You help me when I fall below the veil. I just hear your voice and I remember who I really am <3

  2. Accept how we feel.
    Feel what we feel.
    Decide what action we are going to take.
    I am somewhat confused by this video… is only my perceptions and I could be wrong but it sounds like dissociation from the feeling.
    To observe is good but that feeling is in every cell of our DNA.
    That feeling is emotion in motion and it too shall pass.
    With the healing light coming from within yourself to heal and release.
    With gratitude for all of your work, Isabella Ericson

  3. And again, BRILLIANT! Every one of your videos speaks directly to my Inner Being and brings me one step closer to my brilliant Self! As the scapegoat, recently awakening fully over the past year, I saw not one, but two dogs get hit by cars within the last five years and yes! each was painfully devastating to my emotional psyche. Thank you for Being a Witness of Truth in MY Life, helping me ro love, Trust and heal all the stuck pain so I can Be reborn into my Divine reality!!!! You are gorgeous inside and out! Every blessing to you within the Universe of LOVE!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  4. Thank you for this video! I'm in a relationship that is not very good… and I've put the pressure on myself to be happy and completely turn a blind eye on what is actually causing me grief. I'm a happy & brilliant individual, however the state of my relationship is disappointing and it makes me sad, and that is ok.

  5. I'm so incredibly grateful that I came across your channel. You have an absolutely amazing way with words and healing. I can truly feel your light and love while watching your videos. Years of therapy haven't helped as much as even just a few of your videos have. I listen to/watch your videos while getting ready for the day and always walk away feeling so much more enlightened. Thank you so much <3

  6. I love you Lisa! One of the things I've been needing to ask you is how to overcome a narcissistic mother when you live with her. I cannot afford to move out which I know would resolve the issue but when the "no contact" tactic isn't an option at the moment, how do I stay strong and build a mental "shield" whenever verbal abuse happens. She knows how to manipulate, guilt, & make me second guess how I feel. I'm always the bad guy. And my brother & father have blinders on which makes me feel even more alone & crazy.
    Thank you Lisa!

  7. Lisa did a meditation for insight timer meditation application. if you are reading this and are looking to help raise the vibration of the world please check it out! you can download load the application by Apple store or Google play. you will LOVE IT! it feels great and it's so fun! come join us! Xoxoxox~ Blane

  8. That meditation app sounds amazing. I'll try to find it! Also, the guided meditations you've posted have been extremely helpful. They help calm & quiet my mind down enough to fall asleep after I'm finished listening. I highly ask that you please continue making for of those! Please please please !

  9. Thx. Thx again Lisa for your video. My direct family has personality disorders (–negative emotions). I read three of your books now–thanks for writing, like meditations also. I also spread the books to my SF Bay Area ACA group Wed. night 7pm. I've decided that your first husband might be exactly like my current Senior Boss at my work. I work in a very very big beauracratic organization—Construction Management. I get horrible negative emotions 1:1 vis a vis talks, emails, verbal excoriations from Boss and coworker NARCs. I'm just a big, soft Highly Sensitive Person/Empath. Thx for your videos and books. Thx for allowing me a place to share.

  10. You are the Only other person who I've heard say maybe we can grow another finger but just don't know it.  My point being……….I've always wondered in my mind what things could we do or are equipped with that we are not aware of or tried to become awakened enough to tap into those gifts such as……perhaps we already know all languages but just haven't tapped into that part of our brain.  I'm a deep thinker and sometimes people think I'm crazy but hahahaha I'm Aquarius enough said.Love your videos as they have saved me!! Truly I am thankful !!  Be Blessed!!!

  11. I can observe the cloud in the sky but I am not the cloud, although my spirituality tells me I am one with everything. I am not separate as the ego would like us to believe. Instead I understand the outer world reflects back to me my inner world. If I am balanced, I see balance in the cloud. If I am at peace, I see peace in the dog getting hit by the car. I don't see bad or good, right or wrong. To me every moment is perfect and is there for me to just be with it, not to make it other than it is. What makes it other than it is or makes anything tragic or not depends on the story the mind creates about the person, incident or event.  Do I see things as beautiful or ugly, or can I just see things without a judgment, label or opinion? Wouldn't I be better off if I take the focus off of out there (along with an opinion of how out there is) & place it back on me? After all that is where my power is. For example, If I observe the story my mind concocts about the dog getting hit by a car, the cloud in the sky or whatever without making it mean anything other than what it is wouldn't I then remain in my natural state balanced and at peace? I have recently found during my journey that the feelings come from the stories I made up, mostly in childhood, and still believe and take as the truth, and reality today as an adult. If I believe it is tragic that a dog got hit by a car and died because of it and I want what happened to be different (resistance) then I experience sadness, anger, grief, or whatever. Then… maybe my mind creates a story that the driver was reckless and shouldn't have hit the dog and now I have anger toward a driver who should have drove differently (more resistance). Then I hear a story on the news that the driver had a heart attack and died which resulted in him crashing his car into the dog (I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions- more resistance). Bottom line: All the emotions came from stories that were believed but that were not reality. Rather then separating from our emotions as suggested what if we brought the focus back to home base and questioned the stories we tell ourselves and believe? Look what happens to us when we believe  a story about a dog that died. Do you see none of those emotions were actually due to what really happened. None of those emotions would have been present if we didn't tell and believe a story.  Do I absolutely know the truth that how I was raised was tragic? No. I know it to be a story I have told and believed all my life. How do I feel because of this story? Awful, angry, resentful toward my parents and sibling (resistance). What if I couldn't believe this story, how would I feel?  Free to get on with living. Thank you. Sandy

  12. I walk around like someone died daily due to low oxygen in my brain. Many codependent people are Celiac which can cause less nutrients to absorb and then cells are not made right to work right. NO gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN…detoxing helps my depression.

  13. What a great way to detach and become the observer! It is Eckhart Tolle (Tollea). I have read his books, but I must say now that I have listened to you for over a month, your videos and MP3s are so powerful and resonate with me in so many ways. I can say I am truly waking up. Now I can go back and reread The Power of Now and understand it on a whole other level! It is so amazing to truly wake up in ways that are this awesome! Thank you for all that you do Lisa!

  14. A minute before clicking on this Lisa, I was just observing to myself, (because of an understanding last night), that I felt sadness from the soles of my feet up to the crown of my head. I know to observe it (that I am not it) but as with other commentators, your video was exquisitely timed even so. Thank you.

  15. Thank you Lisa, maybe your inspiration to make this video was for me, as the universe knows that I watch your work all the time, without too many details just know that this was perfect, fitting, and timely for me today ☺ Love and Light

  16. thank you Lisa! this is such a task because as a codependent our reaction is to latch onto that emotion and go down with it! this was very helpful! and the website for meditations can be found on your apple store or google play store for anyone interested in joining! we hope to see you all join in the meditations! xoxo Blane

  17. just last night, my daughter's ear (which she has had ear drum reconstruction on) was ringing and she was telling me that it was ringing. I reached toward her ear (but didn't touch it) and was intentionally sending healing love from my hand to her ringing ear. when I did that, she said "Woah! mom? how did you do that"? I said "what"? and she was freaked out because her ear stopped ringing!

  18. You are so spot on with this video. Meditation is the key. You're right, we are not our bodies, our emotions, our titles, our professions, etc., we are pure consciousness (conscient beings) exchanging spiritual energy.

  19. perfect video and much needed because 2day I've been feeling like poo poo. I really need to shift my state of consciousness in meditation and journal. love Ya Lisa

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