
Color Field Exhibit

The Color Field movement is a painting style from the 1950s characterized by large areas of color. A large cross-section was eecently on display in Washington

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14 thoughts on “Color Field Exhibit
  1. There's nothing like a really big painting, if it is really good. And these paintings are really, really big, and very good. To me these paintings represent the fine side of the feminist influence in modern art –you are awash in gorgeous waves of color which envelop and yet entertain you: Still somehow make you admire the concreteness of their facture. This show is really a treat. Perhaps it's better not to think of some of the later works of these same artists. Movements make art, not artists.

  2. Some of them look pretty cool… Others are just plain garbage, though. (Four dots? Really?) I still think the $1.8m purchase of "voice of fire" by the Canadian government was a huge waste.

  3. not bad for the 50's…touching the tip of the future pulse of color in the digital age….synapses, effect of color foeld and color interaction yet to be explore really bu any living artist…some of the electronic bitmap artists at the whitney show touch on it…frankly some of the illuminated ads on broadway go further in theory…also drugs and the nervous system effect on color yet to be explored fully

  4. I received the exhibition catalogue for this show for Christmas this year. Many of the artists in this show are my artistic influences/inspirations. I wish I could have seen this exhibition when it was touring.

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