
Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities. And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise up.

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You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people.

They are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their resentment-ridden ideology. They have made it their life’s mission to undermine Western civilization itself, which they regard as corrupt, oppressive and “patriarchal.”

If you’re a taxpayer—or paying for your kid’s liberal arts degree—you’re underwriting this gang of nihilists.

You’re supporting ideologues who claim that all truth is subjective; that all sex differences are socially constructed; and that Western imperialism is the sole source of all Third World problems. They are the post-modernists, pushing “progressive” activism at a college near you.

They produce the mobs that violently shut down campus speakers; the language police who enshrine into law use of fabricated gender pronouns; and the deans whose livelihoods depend on madly rooting out discrimination where little or none exists.

Their thinking took hold in Western universities in the ‘60s and ‘70s, when the true believers of the radical left became the professors of today. And now we rack up education-related debt—not so that our children learn to think critically, write clearly, or speak properly, but so they can model their mentors’ destructive agenda.

It’s now possible to complete an English degree and never encounter Shakespeare—one of those dead white males whose works underlie our “society of oppression.”

To understand and oppose the post-modernists, the ideas by which they orient themselves must be clearly identified.

First is their new unholy trinity of diversity, equity and inclusion. Diversity is defined not by opinion, but by race, ethnicity or sexual identity; equity is no longer the laudable goal of equality of opportunity, but the insistence on equality of outcome; and inclusion is the use of identity-based quotas to attain this misconceived state of equity.

All the classic rights of the West are to be considered secondary to these new values. Take, for example, freedom of speech—the very pillar of democracy. The post-modernists refuse to believe that people of good will can exchange ideas and reach consensus.

Their world is instead a Hobbesian nightmare of identity groups warring for power. They don’t see ideas that run contrary to their ideology as simply incorrect. They see them as integral to the oppressive system they wish to supplant, and consider it a moral obligation to stifle and constrain their expression.

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23 thoughts on “Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids
  1. Also if socialism ks bad, then why are the Scandinavian countries so good? They are the happiest and the safest countries. They have a great education system, you can get a degree without a massive debt. Their healthcare system is great.

    The U.S.A is a prime example of capitalism and yet it is a third world country at various points. The healthcare system is shit, base education is shit, getting a university degree puts you in a massive debt, the social system is shit, crime rates are very high, yeah capitalism is very successful. Hey are very low in human safety index. Gun violence is all over the place. Frequent school shootings. How did capitalism work out huh?

  2. An adult family member went back to school, and one of the requirements was a sociology class. I was looking over her reading assignments, and was shocked to see the anti-American, anti-Capitalism, readings, she was required to study and answer questions on. Not one or two. But ALL of them fit this pattern.

  3. The sole aim of "education" in the West today is to produce an obsequious army of worker drones to serve the corporate government alliance. At this they are profoundly successful not only in colleges, but also K-12.

  4. you are absolutely right sir it's turning into a goddamn circus we are headed down the road to serfdom we are going to be like Venezuela in fact I have already dubbed Canada under the guidance of Fidel Castro's bastard son Justin Trudeau as CANAZUELA so enjoy your diversity and when the third world people and the Muslims get together and take over you could all enjoy Sharia law together I'm only hoping that Idaho succeeds from the Union it would be the best thing to ever happen to them and a nice place to live

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