
Colour Mixing: The Mystery of Magenta

The Royal Institution

Why doesn’t magenta appear in the rainbow? The answer lies not in physics but in biology.
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Science presenter Steve Mould demonstrates the strange phenomenon of colour mixing, in which not everything is as it seems. The cone cells within our eyes are responsible for the colours we see, but are only sensitive to Red, Green and Blue light. So how are we able to see so many colours when we can only directly detect three and how do our brains see the colour magenta which doesn’t have a wavelength?

Steve explains all with the help of his coloured torches and explores how everyday technology fools our brains into seeing more.

Find out more about Steve Mould on his nerdy blog or @MouldS
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45 thoughts on “Colour Mixing: The Mystery of Magenta
  1. We don't know what to say. With the addition of Greek, this video is now officially our most translated one ever! We now have subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Danish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. We can't thank you enough! We appreciate each and every one of you who has donated their time and skills.

  2. And now you can just realize – your nice modern "warm white" LED bulb is in fact firing three strong peaks of light at your eyes, instead of a nice continuous emission of a plain incandescent bulb. Imagine how that impacts your health long term (not only eyes). And am I the only one to notice that since I started this staring at smartphones thing several years ago (LED backlight of course), my eyesight deteriorates at alarming rate?

  3. Sorry to say you’ve missed the boat. There are two types of color additive and subtractive. In additive color, which is light, where all primary colors added equally make white, there is no purple. In subtractive color, which is pigment, where all colors added together make black, there is purple. Basic first year color theory.

  4. It's not different than the fact that we do not actually see yellow. It, like purple, is a secondary color that's just shades of the two colors that makes up the color being viewed.

  5. So beauty is fraud in a fraud? Who do I sue? What game and for whom are we playing it? What does the world actually look like? Is that beautiful woman in front of me horrifyingly ugly in the real world I can't see? Now, I'm not gonna trust my nose either. Everything is a lie!

  6. This is dumb. Purple is perceived just like any other color. To say it doesn't exist and our brain makes it up is to deny that our eyes work in the first place. If something is devoid of green, it's purple. Our eyes don't work like a line of colors, but more like a circle connecting at the ends with a redder violet in between. (Another perceivable color) Violet exists in a rainbow, that's what we see as dark purple. Redefining it doesn't change it's original values.

  7. It's simple. When you look at something and it's not blue or red, but something in between, you call it purple. If you don't care about the science behind it, you gotta call it something.

  8. I seriously call B.S on this ! This CONE thing is just made it and kinda lame ! Also, White isn't a color ! There's no way that MILLIONS of colors exist and NO they don't all come from blue/red/green !

  9. You have the same breathing pattern as Michael Bisping that inhale very deeply after each sentence. I would try the audio a little farther away to see if the breathing sound is reduced. Since your voice is clear and loud you might not need the audio so close.

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