Consciousness Videos

Complexity (Chapter 1 of 6)


Just three particles and the forces that cause them to interact give rise to all of the incredible and wonderful complexity that makes this universe such an interesting place.


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43 thoughts on “Complexity (Chapter 1 of 6)
  1. I like how you've listed a bunch of inflammatory sentimental terms and pretended that it's an argument by backing it up with a personal attack. Where did you get your 'research', 9gag? So much for a man of science, eh?
    I honestly feel bad about all of this because of the huge prejudices that the modern society has established against religion. I admit we have produced cunts like the WBC, but they are hardly representative of what my beliefs really are

  2. You are completely ignorant as to what causes war, infighting, slavery and the like. You might want to revisit the bible, and actually pay attention while reading. You will find its 'moral doctrine' rife with murder, incest, slavery, child abuse, infidelity, etc etc. I actually feel quite bad for you. I'm so sorry that your mind is so small 🙁

  3. anti-semitism comes from nationalism, not from the book with a JEWISH saviour. killing, judicial and extrajudicial are condemned, REPLACING the legalism of the OT with love and brotherhood, something atheists seem to lack.
    but if you really insist, i hope that you can also follow your atheist footsteps, tear down temples, stone the religious, massacre Jews, burn books, colonize , pillage, rape and enslave like your predecessors hitler, stalin, mao zedong, napoleon, and kim il sung did. ENJOY 🙂

  4. your tendency to mock a system of thought you don't understand is typical among atheists. unfortunately for you, people who see real beauty, examine evidence and philosophy, think for themselves and seek truth exist within religious societies, stemming from religious thought. the idea that we should abduct slaves, kill, and lack mercy ironically comes from atheists who have no grace, such as yourself, your mother, hitler, stalin and other war-mongerers and slave traders. so yes, i am serious.

  5. Funny because you pretend to know my holy book better than I do
    You paint all religious people to be singularly bigoted and conservatively minded- doesn't that make you a bigot, and quite honestly, a hypocrite as well?
    Please remember that the Abrahamic holy books was the beginning of wisdom in ancient Israel, that Christianity brought the concept of peace and love into the Roman empire and aided slave emancipation throughout eras ruled by slave owners. Understand religion before you criticize

  6. And pretending that the deity you worship is moral because you say so, when your holy book demonstrates quite the opposite, is just ignorant.

    The supreme irony of calling someone a bigot is also not lost on me, Abrahamic holy books are the largest sources of bigotry in the modern world by a large margin. They promote ignorance over the search for knowledge, hate over acceptance, and faith over free will. They have many detrimental qualities and very few redeeming ones.

  7. Why can't a Christian know much about science? If you want to talk philosophy i could understand, but science is all about different people all agreeing to the same conclusion regardless of background.

  8. So if I get this right electrons don't actually move they such pop up and dissipear in their respective orbitals, right?

  9. Thank you cassiopeiaproject for all those wonderfull and insightfull (lets not forget teaching!) videos! You guys and girls are the silent heroes, making knowledge hungry people happy day after day! I bow to you and the work you doing!

  10. @coolkid19901 hi i dont know much bout phisics or any thing but as i am learning more i am beliving in string theory where all is joined to 1 as, 1 large universe is actually many tiny stings (many=billions in a centermeter squared so if this is true my question is "what does it all look like is there an end to the entire stream of darkness was our existance the result of a supermassive black hole's down fall and collapse was the universe that was here b4 ours similar did it have the same rule?"

  11. If you don't like the science because of your religion then don't watch the video. That's the thing with most religious people.They don't realize nobody really gives a good fuck what they believe. What's objectionable is they're always trying to push their crap into other people's business. it's gotta be their way or no way. You don't like something, stay the fuck away, how about that? Believe what you want, dance, chant, pray, face east, westor whateve, no one cares, leave the rest of us alone.

  12. Whats interesting is QM relates to God choice of a world. God, knowing all counterfactuals chose the best possible world. We live in the world where the most people will be saved. It turns out, if God were on CNN..people would actually be coerced into obedience. So He uses a world in which there is just enough for those who are for God to pray to Him–and just enough doubt for those who are not For God to say its all BS. No coercion… people freely choose God through Faith –which are you?

  13. part 3
    Just to defend some ignorant christians. They know where your going when you die. They really want to help. They know the doors to hell are locked from the inside by arrogant and proud people. They are not trying to hurt you, they want you to ask God tonight for his grace. Unlike you, who just want to one-up and degrade them–they want to spend eternal life with you if they are REAL christians–some are not..they are just as lost as you. God haters are found in science chats for a reason.

  14. BTW..No educated Christian is bothered by this. Everyone I know thinks its awesome. Only a fraction attack science. They may seem like a lot but they're not..just as the infinitesimal amount of atheists make a huge noise as well.

    Anyone without bias against a creator see's Gods hand in this. Biased atheists ascribe something to nothing. They say..we know something created the universe and that something–is nothing. Everyone see their denials as psychological. God 's here, so pray

  15. @coolkid19901

    Yeah..evidence the Many worlds theory we cant see or detect. Like parallel universes and extra dimensions..None have been detected yet many describe them as a fact. Just yesterday I saw 5 renowned physicists explaining how dinosaurs are walking in our living room via quantum mechanics but we cant see them even though they occupy the same space. Yet there can be NO God in those universes? They MUST See Him.
    So please..lets stop pretending. Physicists see what they want

  16. @coolkid19901 Science in no way precludes the existence of a being such as you describe. But that is not science — which must remain evidence based. It is theology which should remain faith-based.

  17. Actually there is more then three particles, and those particles are build up by smaller things called quarks. And there is more then three different quarks too…

  18. @worstcase1076 I don't believe this video was really meant to be entertaining rather informative, but I agree that this video could use a little bit of "umph" to it.

  19. Yeah, yeah stars are lamps and/or missiles to strike down satans… well, "sure".

    "Quickness to anger decreases with understanding. And judging from the threats of the hot headed Abrahamic God, he didn't understand very much at all."

  20. ALLAH said in Quran(Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, WhoCreated man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most BountifulHe Who taught (the use of) the Pen―Taught man that which he knew not.Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds,In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient.Verily to thy Lord is the return (of all).Seest thou one who forbids.―A votary when he (turns) to pray?

  21. How could any person of average intelligence look at this concept and NOT see something out of our hands?
    I say, if the Christian right wing attacks, they're absolutely blind.
    This could so easily be applied to the basic principles of God. I'm no bible thumper, but geez, it just seems so relevant to me.

  22. Yes, of course! Let's all think ourselves to scientific conclusions! 😀

    I think gravity is caused by huge, living, invisible carrots pushing us down! 😀

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