
Compositing Theory Basics 1 : Blend Modes

Part One is a new series that looks at the Basics of Compositing Theory. This episode investigates the theory behind Blend Modes and gives a solid introduction to some key concepts that will help unlock many of the most important secrets of compositing.
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Custom Tool Tutorial:

Simon Ubsdell


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23 thoughts on “Compositing Theory Basics 1 : Blend Modes
  1. Wow Simon. I'd never guessed at all that math behind those blend modes. It'll take a while to sink in.
    I've heard you ask for topics for future tuts and I wonder if I may suggest the following.
    My suggestion is probably a practical use of blend modes and detail extraction and blurring.
    In Photoshop there's a recognised technique of frequency separation to smooth skin while keeping the skin texture.
    It typically uses a duplicate layer, one blurred, one put through a high pass filter to extract detail. Then blend.
    Can you envision a way to do this with motion to make a skin smoothing effect to use in FCPX?

  2. Loved this approach to blend modes using the operation and custom tools and simple arithmetic. Reminds me of chess: a few simple rules but each of the practically endless combinations is rigorously derived, step by step. Actually found this approach much more helpful than the verbal descriptions that usually accompany blend mode discussions. Great work, Simon!

  3. 00:00 Start
    00:11 About this Lesson
    00:32 About My Test Laboratory
    00:53 About Blend Modes
    01:37 How I Set-Up My Test Laboratory
    02:25 01 | ADD | Blend Mode
    02:47 Formula
    04:33 Ex.: Lensflare | Landscape
    06:51 02 | Substract | Blend Mode
    06:58 Formula
    07:27 Ex.: Lensflare | Landscape
    07:59 03 | Difference | Blend Mode
    08:08 Formula
    09:04 Ex.: Lensflare | Landscape
    09:22 04 | Multiply | Blend Mode
    09:25 Formula
    10:28 Ex.: Lensflare | Landscape
    11:45 05 | Lighten Darken | Blend Mode
    12:10 Formula
    12:54 Ex.: Lensflare | Landscape
    13:45 Combining Soft Shapes
    14:15 06 | Invert/Negative | Blend Mode
    14:39 Formula
    14:55 07 | Screen | Blend Mode
    15:00 Formula
    16:02 Ex.: Lensflare | Landscape
    16:38 08 | Overlay | Blend Mode
    16:44 Formula
    17:43 Expression explained | Fusion Users
    18:07 Ex.: Lensflare | Landscape
    18:45 09 | About Complex Blend Modes
    19:34 10 | Normal | Blend Mode
    20:00 Alpha Channel
    20:20 Formula
    21:10 Thanks for Watching

  4. Have been editing for two years. Never thought I’d be able to understand blending modes: enter Simon Ubsdell. Very insightful and much appreciated!!

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