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21 thoughts on “Consciousness and the Observer Effect | Dean Radin Ph.D | IONS
  1. I thought of the Turing test also, but what about consciousness as expressed by primates? Or non primates like Dolphins or even highly intelligent invertebrates like Octopi? Is this limited to human consciousness?

  2. Lets say that mainstream science would agree to acknowledge a positive result of a test like this. What then. There is no money to be made confronting fundamentalistic believes. Science has become yet another dogma. Not as a tool but as ideology. Its a human behavior syndrome. Its hard to convince an intelligent person but its impossible to convince a bunch of idiots.

  3. Christ, people still continue this false statement that "observation" means conscious observation. It merely means interaction with the environment. Air molecules hitting the inside of a box, or even a disturbance in the gravitational wave of a system count as interaction/observation.

  4. Its not the eye that changes the wave effect, because i did this at home with laser, and looking before the slit or after the slit had no effect, the result is always wave pattern… Soo its the device that is altering something…? By the way what if one slit has a polarized lens in an angle of 90 comparing to the other slit.. will they still interact? And stop interfering? Guess not..

  5. Ludwig Boltzman one of the founders of energy thermodynamics proposed the existence of atoms. Do you know what happened when he proposed this idea ? He was attacked by the scientific community and by what people considered to be top tier scientist had stated the existence of atoms was preposterous and hearing this from a top scientist saying his proposal is ridiculous and absurd hurted him deeply. It would be like if you passion was fashion design and your idol famous fashion designer the person you looked up to had said your work is shit and trash. Thats how Boltzman felt when he was told this by top tier scientist during his time. His depression episode got soo bad where he ended up taking his own life and hanging himself due to stupid dumbasses where every henry,dick, and johnson thinks they know it all when in reality they don't know jackshit. Guess what happened his theory which was heavily hostility attacks were made against him ended up being the orthodox for energy thermodynamics. Scientist when having good clarity about a profound insight needs to say fuck you the scientist that are criticizing and that aren't earning any nobel prizes or making fundamental contributions to mankind's understanding of the physical science.

  6. When you look … it does not change .. Only when you measure it changes.. Cause measurement effects it physically .. If looking was changing the nature or the light, we would never be able to see the interference pattern… Creating a myth out of science that has no roots here …

  7. I love how the "intelligent" videos on YouTube don't have stupid or negative commentators. Looks like smarter people interested in smarter topics filters out the idiots and thus negativity lol

  8. 13:10 min: Why does Dean Redin even mention this 40 out of 67 hits?? It is so statistically insignificant. The numbers say nothing. In fact these numbers are completely in agreement with "pure chance". I am starting to doubt Dean's credibility…

  9. Perhaps we now have a test to the elusive question:  "Are you minded"? All we need ask is "Can you collapse a wave function"?  I look forward to the first tests using other animals such as monkeys… Here's a thought: If you erect two (or more) side by side setups, and give them each an identity (or name tag).  Can you focus attention from one to the other and cause toggling collapses that follow your gaze and mental focus?  It would seem so.  That implies at some point to construct a physical setup with dozens of running double-slit projections, whereby each instance is set with a relay to make something happen via traditional electronic circuits.  In this way it appears we may already be at the point to construct a demonstration of one person being able to remotely switch many different circuits on and off at will.  If that proves successful, all that remains is to make that physical setup smaller and smaller, until we have a black box that fits in the palm of your hand, that can be used for anything from quadriplegic control apparatus, so remotely controlling individual limbs of industrial robotic machines that can do dangerous physical tasks without the need of a human to risk its life. I'd better stop, three more things just occurred to me! Going to try to setup a (simplistic) variation of this using household items…

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