Consciousness Videos

Consciousness beyond death, with Dr. Pim van Lommel

Essentia Foundation

Cardiologist Dr. Pim van Lommel became internationally known after his ground-breaking study on NDEs (Near Death Experiences) was published in the respected medical journal The Lancet, in 2001. The study was remarkable in that it was a prospective one: conditions were set and ready before patients underwent cardiac arrest. The results showed that merely physiological explanations for the NDEs were inadequate, thereby raising profound questions about the nature of consciousness and its relation to brain function. In this in-depth interview, Essentia Foundation’s Natalia Vorontsova discusses the philosophical implications of these findings with Dr. van Lommel, at his house in the Netherlands.
This video has human-created English subtitles, so don’t forget to click on the ‘CC’ button below the video to enable them.

00:00 Intro
00:03:25 Involvement with NDE research
00:07:55 Perceptual change
00:09:45 Possible root causes
00:25:05 Explain unexplainable
00:28:58 A man who lost his dentures
00:34:08 What about science?
00:37:11 Consciousness and body
00:46:03 Science and subjective experience
00:49:37 Science and non-local consciousness
00:53:53 Paradigm shift
00:56:38 Personal impact
00:58:57 Personal insights

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46 thoughts on “Consciousness beyond death, with Dr. Pim van Lommel
  1. Very interesting and wonderful interview! But something I wonder about: if you can see without your eyes, as pure consciousness, why was there a need to develop/evolve complex organs like eyes etc?

  2. Is true i saw my mum in Dream after her death with his brother and sister also they passed away long time ago she was so beautyfull like angel and the face so young with her sieblings somewhere very nice with many Lights like cristals the clothes the dressed was all like cristal shining i was so happy i never feel that kind of happyness in my life i wanted to stay with them but they told me i should go back i dont wanted to go back then later i realised i was in my bed in the middle of the night i come to realise that my mum and her sieblings are in good place and very happy it give me force to continue living my life one day we ll see each other again god time is the best

  3. Technical note: please do better audio for this marvelous content. It was very hard to hear and comprehend. Audio levels were all over the scale.

  4. An lsd experience caused me to leave my body for about ten hours. It was a green dragon. I was in space looking at the earth. Football size. I thought ' wow, I'm really here!'
    My vision was exactly like it is in the body. Not 360° as mentioned. I thought ' I'm not cold, frightened, hungry, I just am. Other amazing things happened, I asked a question and got an immediate answer, but I had no control over where I went or anything else. I was powerless in that respect.To cut a long story short, I re entered my body and it was only when I was half way in that my body then felt my consciousness coming down into my body. ( It didn't all go into the head and stop there, no it went further down into the body also. I opened my eyes said wow, then discovered that I my body had been sitting in the same position as when I'd sat down ten hours before. One leg on the thigh of the other. Ten hours sitting in the same position! No pain or discomfort at all, like I'd just sat down. I was going to sit down on the sofa cross legged but only had time to put one leg up.

  5. May I ask if an NDE only occurs if someone is resusitated ? If someone dies and then "wakes up" (for want of a better term) again on their own without intervention is it possible for them to have had a NDE?
    Has anyone reported this experience?
    I wonder if the NDE is due to the intervention somehow?
    May I respectfully enquire whether anyone here may have any hypothesis on this question please?

  6. I would consider it a death experience. I have had it and was watching myself being worked on from above myself.. Vivid and Clear. I don't remember coming back. to life.

  7. Hm, but in the dentures incident, the outside, consciousness experience still seems connected to his body, as if the body is still needed to produce the outer-body experience, perhaps indicating, thus unproven, other bodily senses at play here? I mean, not just the brain, & not necessarily a soul…..🤔

  8. I had a OBE where i left my body, pulled really fast upward to the greenest rolling fields. People were light beings, your light would send out your love and thoughts! the colors were like no colors here on Earth everything was alive, the flowers can communicate. It felt like home, the love that came from everything was overwhelming. As eye was watching what was going on I noticed a big group of people that gather around this light being that gave off a glow of liquid gold of love a information and with in just a few mins the group of people split and that brighter or brightest person gazed at me. That very moment I knew it was Christ our Lord And Saver, I feel right to the ground and the feeling unclean dirty, not worthy to be there or be in His presents. The Lord came over to me and picked me up and filled me with love that was so overwhelming, He communicated to me with by thought. Trying to make this short but He gave me a life review (my whole life) and Loved me even more. I understood that Love and kindness to everything was the way key to living on Earth. That deep intuition is The Holy Spirit and this was six years ago and everyday sense then all I think about is Christ! Now when my intuition guides me, I do what ever its telling me. I remember coming back to my body and i thought how i was going to fit into it lol almost like trying to put a human body in a coffee cup. If anyone is going through a tough time please read Jeremiah 29: 13-14

  9. It's very interesting research. With lots of insightful. Nevertheless we need to define precisely what's the mean of death. Some of experiences referred are the different stages of the biological processes of shut down. Bottom line death only happens when there's non cellular homeostasis activity. Which means there's no definitive death in most of the phenomenon described but only some of the sequential stages when there's a life threat condition even when there's a cardiac arrest. The neurobiologic processes continuing during some time which explain most of the self experiences felt by those who were in those conditions and recover and after describe theirs experiences. Beyond the biology there's a human need to try access some king of magical thinking to cope with the finitude.

  10. Thousands of years ago, the ancient sages of India wrote the Upanishads with these insights in great detail and it matches exactly with what Dr Pim says but there are much more well documented in the Upanishads and related literature. There is only one underlying reality. The Brahman. Everything we see a manifestation of the one true Brahman. Brahman is pure unlimited unmatched consciousness beyond space and time but also within it. Something can't be limitless if it is at one place and not another. Lot more to learn but good more people are finding these insights from Upanishads to be true. Upanishads are not for religion or one sect. It is insights from wise men that looked inwards and gave that wisdom to the world so others can benefit from it as well.

  11. When you're about to cross beyond the void veil… Reflect carefully.

    "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge, hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness… before we start again."
    –Diamond Dragons (Armageddon's Ballad)

  12. Essentia Foundation.
    There is a time and place for music, but this is not one of those times. I want to hear what's being said! You need to find an adult (with an adult mind) to make these videos, and not some simple person who thinks it's a great idea to drown out the speech with music in the background for the entire video.

  13. I do not think I have ever had a complete NDE, however, when I was a child, seven or eight years old, I was briefly in a situation where I believed I was about to die. Every experience in my entire life flashed before me in the blink of an eye, complete with my thoughts and feelings, and those of anyone else involved.

    After being told repeatedly not to be silly, that couldn’t happen, I forgot the experience. When I remembered it as a young adult it was as fresh and clear as it had been at the time. Granted, I had only lived a short time when this occurred, but still it struck me as an impossibility. When I learned more about NDEs I was able to state that they are not a product of processes in a dying brain. My brain was in no danger of dying when this happened; I only thought it was. The physical brain is NOT the source of consciousness and the sooner materialist science accepts that, the sooner we will be able to discover what truly is.

  14. I saw copy of old egyptien pharaons saying there is life after daying if you where bured in west of the nile reaver 😂😂😂😂
    The history is repating again with the power of this generation and this century

  15. I also had a NDE when I was 13. I was in a car accident with my grandparents. They both died. I was gone for only 1 minute but during my NDE it felt so much longer. I was in a coma for a week. When I woke I was made that I didnt get to go with them. First hand your not scared its almost like you know you have to go and are ok with it. It was no seconds guesses I somehow new and was at peace. Its so hard to explain.

  16. All beliefs/findings should be challenged and tried to be proven wrong. Once all efforts have been exhausted, what is left is the truth. Just because current medical science believes what we have established through using our senses and instruments, doesn't mean that the findings are concrete. Medical Science has to be open to realities that cannot be proven empirically.

  17. I really, really enjoyed this, my sister passed in 2012, I was lying on the couch! I suddenly felt the softest kiss on my cheek, a kiss but yet not like a quick touch/ kiss, melting not sure how to explain, then I heard the softest voice of my sister she diagnosed love ya sis!!! Tears flowed down my face I said out loud my sister is gone, the telephone will be ringing, within about 5 minutes it did!! I knew she came to me!! My sister , my friend , my confidant ❤❤❤ how I miss her! How blessed am I to have had that experience!!! Thank you!! Stop the hate it will never serve you !! Blessing to you all!!!

  18. جميل جدا……و تحية لهذا الرجل الرائع….
    نحن نتشارك و سائر مخلوقات الله في الوعي لكن بدرجات متفاوتة،الوعي بالنسبة لي هو المعرفة حيث تستعملها روح الانسان في الدنيا.حتى اذا انقطع الانسان عن الحياة خرجت روحه بتلك المعرفة و الوعي …..و قد ذكر الله في كتابه الروح حيث قال: وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الرُّوحِ ۖ قُلِ الرُّوحُ مِنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّي وَمَا أُوتِيتُم مِّنَ الْعِلْمِ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا (85)….

  19. I have always had an awareness (I do not know why) that the Divine Creator of all – who is a divine spirit of whom we humans are created in its image, is beyond all human consciousness. There is a spiritual world (realm) that exists and that we are right beside it and in it even as we live in the physical world and this space in time. I therefore believe in the Divine spirit, creator of all things seen and unseen – for no one of us can say we have seen everything yet and that the only one reality and truth will be experienced and realized by each one of us – the truth of our spiritual purpose in this space and time is guided by Scripture in how to conduct our lives in living our real purpose.

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