Consciousness Videos

Consciousness Rules Your Life | What It Is and How It Shapes Reality

Gabi Kovalenko

#consciousness #quantumphysics #realitycreation

0:00- What is consciousness?
3:33- Conscious v. Unconscious People
4:27- How We Use Consciousness
5:34- Five Bodies of Consciousness
6:37- Consciousness Can Change Everything
7:53- Addressing Feelings of Stuckness
8:17- If You Don’t Realize You Create Reality… (Subconscious Mind)
9:14- Reclaiming Control over Consciousness
10:34- Expand Your Potential and BE Your Own Creator

*Note- at 6:28, the title should read “bliss body.”

From a perspective of realism, the observable, objective world is all that exists. From that angle, the brain synthesizes no more than a response to what happens in our physical lives. What isn’t accounted for is the impact of consciousness on the actuality we come to perceive, whether we are aware of it or not. ⁣

Non-physical matter varies in quality, but we do feel the realness in thoughts, memories, reflections, emotions, and even the rainbows our hands are unable to touch. What feels and is assumed to be real but cannot be measured is an abstract concept, like time, which has been rooted in our conscience to be perceived as a material item.⁣

Our nonphysical spirits are locked in a body that is conditioned to rationalize more than it does imagine with every successive year of life. The remote control to physical interaction lies in the brain but attaches to the seat of consciousness, where all of physicality is given meaning and the nonreal is conceived.

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6 thoughts on “Consciousness Rules Your Life | What It Is and How It Shapes Reality
  1. Combining full spectrum consciousness selves information and convert it into Action iz the task❤️ vs living in the root chakra alone… Flowing through all your chakras allows you to live in the rainbow body.

  2. Dear Gabbie,
    Thank you for the great subject.
    I would like to add something to that. I too am a very long meditator and a student of yoga philosophy.
    I read this a long ago and like to share it with you.
    Life energy or piranha manifest itself in seven bodies.
    First in the physical body in the form of breath, new breath coming in and old one going out.
    Second, energy manifest itself at a higher form of our etheric body as power, being powerful and then poweless.
    Third is the love body where it becomes love and then hate, like and dislike.
    Fourth is the mental body where life energy becomes more refined and becomes new thoughts and then old and mondane thoughts.
    Fifth it manifests as life and death, where a creature is born and dies finally.
    Up to the fifth body, it is all personal but the six and seventh bodies are impersonal and universal.
    The six body is the body of creation where the life energy is further refined as creation and destruction, eg, a star is born and another dies.
    And the final body is existential, where something exists and then doesn't exist, or it goes out of existence.
    Afterwhich there is infinity which can not be said or defined since by definition, you are putting boundaries onit.
    It can only be experienced.
    Sorry about this long text but I thought you might be interested.
    I also think that you should hook up with Leo!!!

  3. I really like this take on consciousness, we are consciousness and we are a part of everything that consciousness is. So, we are not just a part of every atom of our bodies, but we are also everything in the world, we are the surrounding planets, the stars and even the galaxies themselves. Consciousness has many names in many different cultures, modern scientists call it a field, a field that cannot be measured, a field that defines engineering, they call this an intelligence, that force that field, that intelligence that binds all in it's creation, my culture called it spirit. Scientists used to believe that matter emitted or created the field, but it's the field that creates matter. This consciousness is awareness, and awareness is just paying attention. So, it is always paying attention to us. We know when someone is paying attention to us because they're being present with us, there's constant interaction. It's a two way relationship, if you began to put your day on love, joy, gratitude everything that is the divine, it is an intelligent love, it will match your efforts. 💘 it is always present within and outside of us

  4. Wow!! I am impressed with this one. This is jam packed with so much mind blowing information!🤯 im so glad that you put in a shortcuts section this is so much to digest all at once. 😱😱😱 Most exceptional job. 💯💯👏👏🔥🔥

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