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2 thoughts on “Consciousness Science…The Human Mind & Quantum physics.
  1. Per transcript below, how can we correct this?!

    2:25:54 Global Conscientious –

    By engaging our consciousness collectively into the global media and buying into the violence and the fear and the sensationalism, collectively with 6 billion minds on the planet, we are transmitting consciousness and reinforcing that delusion. We're giving it more energy and telling it to maintain itself and possibly scientific researchers are finding our conscientious is actually co-authorly responsible for this because conscientiousness is far more powerful than we can imagine.

    2:26:30 We're completely being distracted while these other agendas are going on. Also it's putting us down constantly. It's saying I'm better than you with a lot of biasness as well. It's sad were giving so much of our time to watching TV and not taking action to being the change we want out in the world. (Note: We're giving away our power) Only 2 percent of the world is negative, but TV focuses on that and amplifies that making it worse than it actually is. Since thoughts create reality, and you have millions of people absorbing this negativity, imagine what it's doing to our psyche on a collective level.

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