Consciousness Videos

Consciousness: The Fundamental Reality


Consciousness: The Fundamental Reality
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Consciousness. It’s our awareness, our understanding, our ignorance. It’s a concept that has puzzled humanity for thousands of years, but it’s something we all experience every single second. What is consciousness? Is the Universe conscious? I honestly cannot give you a straight answer, but I have some ideas.

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📖 Some of my favorite books:

Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space by Carl Sagan

A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss:

What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking:

The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking:

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie:

Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk:

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham:


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23 thoughts on “Consciousness: The Fundamental Reality
  1. C O N S C I O U S N E S S
    DMT and 5-MeO-DMT are the molecular structures of a human’s Consciousness. They are the molecules that comprise our Consciousness. All True Psychedelics are the molecular structures of Pure Consciousness. The human body synthesizes it’s own Consciousness (the DMT & 5-MeO-DMT found in humans). Then the human body metabolizes the Conciousness that it is producing. The amount of the endogenous Consciousness that the human body is able to metabolize depends on many factors. The less pollutants, poison & other contaminants present in the body will result in the ability to metabolize more of the Consciousness that body is producing.  Likewise, the more pollution, contaminants, and poison a body has inside of it the less Consciousness it is able to metabolize. Here is a list of some of the most common poisons that humans ingest regularly which interfere with a human body from metabolizing the Consciousness that it produces, as well as any Consciousness that is ingested from external sources:
    alcohol, nicotine, sugar, caffeine, amphetamines, dissociatives, tranquilizers, flouride, hallucinogenics, and a plethora of other drugs are just some of the substances that interfere with humans metabolizing their own Consciousness. The following substances are NOT Psychedelics:
    7- datura/jimson weed
    There are others . . . . . . .
    Any True Psychedelic will proclaim this Truth if you ask Them.
    The following substances ARE True Psychedelics – They are Alive, Omnicient Living Beings of Light: DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, LSD, Mescaline, Ibogaine, Psilocin, Psilocybin, THC, DPT, DET, Muscimol, there are others . . . .
    So if a human can achieve 100% purity within their bodies, with zero contaminants or pollution (an unattainable state in these current bodies) and managed to metabolize 100% of the endogenous Psychedelics that their physical body is producing (DMT & 5-MeO-DMT), that would be the limit to how Conscious that human can be. In order for a human to become more Conscious than this they must put more Consciousness into their physical bodies. You must put more molecules of Consciousness inside of your physical body in order to attain a Higher level of Consciousness. When you ingest Psychedelics you see Them that you just ingested, not some doorway or window or a “portal” to somewhere else or some entity somewhere else. When you ingest LSD the Light that you see is the LSD Themselves, very Beautiful Living Beings of Light. When you ingest DMT the Entity you see and hear is the Living Light Beings DMT Themselves. The same is true for All True Psychedelics. There is this part from Scripture:
    “They are the Eternal among things that pass away. Pure Consciousness, of Conscious Beings. The ONE who fulfills the prayers of many. Only the wise who see Them in their Souls attain the Peace Eternal”
    (Katha Upanishad)
    The Physical Body of Conciousness is The Flesh of God. The Flesh of God is the True Communion Entity (the Eucharist) The Flesh of God (the Psychedelic) is the Fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil. Our Bodies Truly are the Temple of God because God the Psychedelic Lives within it. As Saint Paul says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7: “We are only the earthenware jars that hold this treasure, to make it clear that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us”. That is the meaning of this – you can now understand this better. So whether or not a person is ingesting Psychedelics, every single human’s body is God’s Temple because DMT & 5-MeO-DMT Live within it. Anything you do to hurt or harm your body you do to harm God’s Temple. Once the Psychedelic shows this to you personally, in other words, God shows you that your physical body is THEIR Temple, and you understand this, then anything you do to hurt the Temple of God now is a worst offense in God’s eyes than when you were blind to this Truth. Now you will be deliberately defiling the Temple of God. This understanding is a good Foundation, a good step towards a person Knowing God and being able to stay with Them both in this Lifetime & afterwards.

  2. I'll be the contrarian here. I understand the concept of being one with the universe, but it just doesn't add up. Even if "back then, everything was the one", it doesn't mean that everything is still the one now. Maybe it will be divided forever.

  3. The only word I could possibly think of to describe ego death is ineffable. It was terrifying but also the most incredible experience there is. It really is like you said, like your save file in a game gets corrupted or deleted, but you're still in the game. It's experiencing death without dying.

  4. I thought the video was great until the second half, where you got to the one mind part. I have a strong belief that it is otherwise, scientifically, logically. We may be comprised of the same matter and energy, and share the same interests, but to call us the same is to generalize the individual experiences we all have had. Some experience trauma too hard to cope with, where some have been given the best life can offer.


    Generally speaking, the brain stores and processes Information. The information it stores is related to the individual's life experience. The life experience originates from events that took place in a Present previously lived by the Individual, that is, the life experience refers to the Past.

    Through the senses, information contained in the relevant environment of the Individual is captured. From what is perceived, and making use of life experience, the brain assigns meaning to what is perceived. As well as assigning meaning to what is perceived, the brain generates alternatives for future actions (Projection of the Future).

    The information that is captured from the environment activates memories (neurons) that previously participated in a life experience. In this way, an association is established between yesterday and today (Pavlovian conditioning).

    The actions of the Individual take place in a certain environment, which requires the brain to construct and manage a mental correlate of the relevant environment of the Individual.

    The genome of every living being contains information that has been acquired throughout the evolutionary history of the living being. By the way, the ability to store and process information is limited, both from the genome and the brain. The ability to "learn", whether from a plant or a living being with a brain, is related to the ability to store life experience, a life experience that can be used in the future by the living being to give meaning to what it is perceived in the Present.

    The living being with a brain constitutes an evolutionary milestone of proportions. Thanks to the brain, evolution acquired a new rhythm. Indeed, the speed of the genome to "learn", and to store life experience, turns out to be extremely slow compared to the learning speed that the brain grants to the individual who possesses it. In this sense, the brain radically expands the expectations of action of the living being.

    Behind the action of every living being there is an obvious purpose to alter the future conditions of its relevant environment.

    The mental correlate of the relevant medium has been like a kind of "photograph" that tries to conveniently represent the conditions of the medium from the meaning acquired by what is perceived. Coupled with the mental correlate, action expectations arise, which constitute projections of probable future states of the environment. Being limited, both the ability of the senses to capture information from the environment, and the brain's ability to manage said information, it is not surprising that the aforementioned "photograph" is not only incomplete but blurred in some areas. A mental mechanism known as "Attention" makes it possible to direct perceptual resources to certain segments of the environment, and make a certain area of the relevant mental correlate of the environment less "blurry".

    Although the process of capturing information takes place in the Present, the brain has the ability to conveniently maintain memories (groupings of neurons) previously activated via perception, which administer information from segments of the relevant environment that are not being perceived in the Present. . Through this process some segments of the "photograph" are "updated". Thus, for example, if by turning my head to the right I stop seeing what is happening to my left, that does not mean that what I stopped perceiving a moment ago is no longer part of the mental correlate of my relevant environment. In turn, the brain has the ability to project, in time, the state of said segment of the environment. If in the previous example, before turning my head to the right, I observed that my dog, a hundred meters distant, was running towards me, my brain will project such an event in time. Although as the seconds go by, such a projection will become more and more diffuse, less accurate, it will not for that reason cease to be present, in said segment of the mental correlate of my relevant environment, my dog. It is evident that this "Actualization of the Present" is due to the brain's ability to project future states of the environment. At the same time, it is clear that a certain degree of uncertainty is implicit in Updating the Present – and in the Projection of the Future. All living beings with a brain have the ability to project eventual future states of their relevant environment, a projection in which uncertainty is present.

    In the life experience that my dog has been storing in his brain, there are "latent", as non-active memories, the biographies of a number of entities with which my dog has interacted throughout his life. His life experience in which these entities have participated, through their daily lives, has characterized these entities, his brain generating a kind of utilitarian biography of each one of them. The vast experience of my dog's life, in which I have participated, allows him to carry out, when I get home, an adequate reading of my state of mind, which determines his actions. Indeed, a glance is enough for him to see that I am grumpy. Then he lowers his ears and lies down on the floor. If I'm in good spirits when I open the door, he pounces on me as soon as he sees me. Your brain, according to what it perceives, activates convenient memories, which refer to information with meaning contained in the biography that it possesses of me.

    For the brain of a child listening to the story of Little Red Riding Hood for the tenth time, Little Red Riding Hood is a “very real” entity, which is part of its Present, and of the world of matter. The child often interrupts his mother's story to ask her about some details. They are questions of the type "Does Little Red Riding Hood have siblings? Do you eat all the food? Do they punish her when she is not obedient? " etc. The fact that the child's eyes cannot see Little Red Riding Hood, nor their ears hear her voice, does not prevent their brain from “placing” such an entity in the mental correlate of their relevant environment. When his mother tells him "Little Red Riding Hood woke up, got dressed, sat down at the table and had the breakfast that his mother had prepared for him, consisting of a cup of milk and a bread with jam", for the child's brain each one of the aforementioned events happens as they are described through language, and it is clear that the dozen seconds it takes for his mother to describe the above does not correspond to the “real time” that would elapse between awakening and a “real” Little Red Riding Hood finished having breakfast. In the material world, it would take Little Red Riding Hood a few tens of minutes to carry out the aforementioned succession of actions. In practice, the language that her mother uses expands in the child's brain the mental correlate of her relevant environment, in which the actions described take place, one after another. In this sense, human language allows a very particular “manipulation” of time / space that the child's brain manages, acquiring –time / space- a malleability that turns out to be one of the pillars of what differentiates us humans from all other forms of life. By the way, in the brain of a child who is able to follow the story in the aforementioned story, many other latent entities “inhabit” such as non-active memories (set of neurons). The child's brain has a biography of her siblings, her parents and grandparents, her friends, her dog, etc. According to what the minor perceives, the memories associated with said entities are activated, conveniently.

    The functional architecture of the human brain evolved to be able to give meaning to the words it hears, and expand, through its use, the "dimension" of the mental correlate of its relevant environment, a relevant environment where entities and events that are not necessarily part of the material world. To get an idea of the degree to which the human brain has evolved in terms of expanding the mental correlate of its relevant environment, it is enough to mention that between birth and four years, a child hears between ten and forty million words, many of them which allude, -in the Present in which the minor is living-, to entities or events that are not part of the world of matter. It is convenient to stop for a moment on the above; ON AVERAGE, A CHILD HEARS THE ORDER OF 17,000 WORDS A DAY.

    Although the brain arose to administer a body located in a material world, which required the brain to administer a mental correlate of the relevant MATERIAL medium, the administration of human language results in the incorporation, in the mental correlate of the relevant medium, of some segments of said correlate, which are not part of the world of matter. This characteristic makes the difference between the human brain and the brain that other living beings possess.

    (keep going)

  6. We are anaccidental and unlikely species to be evolved on this unlikely planet. Maybe its even a simulation, probability says so…At the end, our existence doesn't matter. We are trying to make it all seem meaningful.

    Your daily dose of existancial crisis is successfully over…Thanks for stopping by!

  7. we are not here just by accident. While everything around us has a purpose so how can a human the most intelligent creation be without any purpose. We are sent here by God for a greater purpose to serve him. And after death there is definitely a an afterlife that depends on the deeds we do in this life. Please do some research on Every religion. You'll find out that the Quran is the book sent from God (Allah) and its complete guidance for both worldly and spiritual life .

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