Consciousness Videos

Consciousness Unfolding


“Consciousness Unfolding” by Joel Goldsmith explains the purpose of Ministry. He asks us to be silent workers and join the spiritual underground. Live in the NOW is all that is asked. The NOW is life eternal. Let God live your life. Be in constant prayer. Listen.


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4 thoughts on “Consciousness Unfolding
  1. Wonderful calendar
    Thank you for leading me to Joel Goldsmith. I have been listening to his tapes on YouTube for about a year now. Life changing ❤️

  2. Keep up the great work! The Infinite Way is a very deep teaching and it is not for everyone. But….. "for those who have ears let them hear"

  3. This message is so timely for me. I am working on a personal project currently, but remember many years ago, standing in the Eric Butterworth center in midtown Manhattan trying to get understanding about a point in one of his books. The teacher shocked me when she said, "Forget what the books says, what does it say in here (pointing to my heart). Because I had not learned to listen within, or did not know how to let go at that time I heard nothing. I now keep seeing that scene as I continue to develop my project and so I keep asking that presence within, what must I do next. If I don't know, then I let go and let God show me. Thank you so much for this talk.

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