
Cubism: In 2 Minutes

Everything you need to know about Cubism in 2 minutes or less! This is a series I was working on in 2011 that never launched. Learn the tragic story of it’s incompletion after the 2 minute original video.

For further reading: “art since 1900, volume 1” by Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, & Benjamin H. D. Buchloh

Music: Ra Ra Riot “Oh, La” (watch to the end to learn more about them)

The Two Percent


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21 thoughts on “Cubism: In 2 Minutes
  1. A friend just asked a great question on Facebook, so copying it here:

    Q: So what did your professor and her students have to say?

    A: From what I remember: The prof was primarily just excited to share it with students to facilitate an argument/discussion about the presentation strategy (YouTube, fast, humorous). I do remember her pointing out how funny "Braqasso" was. The students' main criticism was that it wouldn't make as much sense to someone who had NO idea what Cubism was before watching it, and seemed geared at people who already studied Cubism… which I think was valid. So I planned on altering the visuals & script slightly to address that. For example, you don't even SEE "cubism" until 1/2 way through the video, which I think was a mistake. So though it was never finished, I took a lot of those lessons and applied them to my tours (which I really only started taking seriously after this video series failed). So looking back, the "failure" of this series was a really great thing to push me in a more interesting/fulfilling direction.

  2. The shattered glass is such an interesting take on Cubism. I had not thought of it in those terms before. Sorry this project was sabotaged. Love your videos keep them coming! – Lisa

  3. love this idea and please do NOT stop making these awesome vidoes!!!!!!!! I do agree that the music conflicts with your narration though and would choose one or the other. . .also please speak a little more slowly. . . Sounds as if you are racing thru the info . . . .now get back to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I learned about cubism way back in school and all I seem to remember is that it was somewhat blockish, now i get it: thanks. Also, this video was ,for me at least, very good, fun and inspirational. Best of luck, would love to see more.

  5. So it's 8/4/17, and I just found your "Cubism: In 2 Minutes" video. Excellent work. ( I will be getting that book, btw.) Should you continue the project? Yes, definitely! I know from experience that if you do not, you will regret not finishing. Plus, I want to see the rest and I believe most art lovers and teachers will also. Nice work!

  6. Hey thanks . love your style . Cubism this week for art school. This YouTube really helped my understanding… Sorry to hear about the burglery. Think a whole series would be awesome .

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