
Daniel Dennett and Matters of Faith [Audio]

Cosmos Minutes

Daniel Dennett is Professor of Philosophy at Tufts University. Described as the great de-mystifier of consciousness, Dennett has been quoted as saying he developed a deep distrust of the methods he saw other philosophers employing and decided that before he could trust his intuitions about the mind, he had to figure out how the brain could possibly accomplish the mind’s work.

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One thought on “Daniel Dennett and Matters of Faith [Audio]
  1. I came to seriously dislike religion pretty much from the moment I learned about its existence as a child. My main gripes with it is the blind obedience to authority and the obvious irrationality of the doctrines.

    Consciousness and the relationship it has with the physical world is very poorly understood by people to this day. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if there is a lot more to this world hiding in plain sight but the methods of teaching and enquiry that religion uses are not very appealing to me.

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