
Daniel Dennett – Arguments for Atheism?

Closer To Truth

Turn the tables on God’s existence. Start with atheism, not with theism. Atheists take their best shots at disproving God; theists in turn defend God, deflecting anti-God arguments.

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28 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett – Arguments for Atheism?
  1. Thousands of years ago ancient people , prescientific, tried to answer the questions of nature , mind , existence and created these stories of gods and unseen , spiritual forces. Their fear of death created the myth of an afterlife. I find no reason to believe any of these ancient sources…I am comfortable in saying that 100% I am positive there is no god. No more than any of you believe in talking pink bunnies.

  2. Why do atheists continually use the argument of evil, many dont even realize that evil points TO God, because it implies the way things ought to be. If an atheists says there is a way things ought to be , where does that standard come from. And as to evil, it comes about by free choices from free creatures. Natural evil comes from disordered nature, that stems from sins from free creatures, the natural order is disturbed. BTW I would have loved to hear Dennett answer how the universe and life comes about.

  3. Truth doesn't need your permission to exist, it is the same for God. Take a careful assessment of the things we are able to explain and the progress so far. Do you assume that it will be easy to prove whether we are in a simulation as apposed to a multi-verse, we very quickly move into the realm of philosophy where no useful explanation can ever be proven. All creature are tuned to pursue value, not truth according to Donald Hoffman.

  4. Truth is the highest energy state of the system. Truth has the most symmetry and chaos has the most variation. The difference between static law and dynamic association. God operates through law, not whim or fancy. The core is harmonic regularity, the outer darkness random noise, we are in the space between them, every engine takes advantage of a difference. These two extremes are woven together, the eternal now is the processing of meaning. In the beginning was the word. Freewill lives in the non-computable region of the set. The boundary of the fractal is infinite (scale relativity) and everything outside of the set is self referential noise. Truth is information that doesn't change and self referential noise is a difference that doesn't make a difference. It is all information, these material expressions exist as fields. The information isn't stored in the material, it is stored in the relationships. All material expressions are made of information but the information contains no mass, only relationships. Light may be curled up time and matter may be curled up space, and everything could be a variation of these two extremes.

  5. I love Dennett but there is not a good analogy between "God" and the big ball of cosmic copper called "Gog." There is no serious argument that Gog is a necessary being. Also, Gog violates Parsimony much more than God does (i.e. The need to explain the limits of Gog is more pressing than for God.).
    I wish he had not done that.

  6. We don't know if there's a god. I'm very doubtful that we could even recognize a deity. Let's be happy that sentience exists & relax about it being natural or created.

  7. Most of these atheist formulate and proffer their arguments against the backdrop of christian or semitic belief system. Eastern thought, does not subscribe to any strict narrative of God, but rather on experience of God in samadhi. There are variations to the methodology of course but according to east the proof is in the pudding, in the meditation, and then experiencing 'God' or whatever name you care to give. In fact east uses the term 'Paar-Brahma' which has a connotation of an eternal nothingness , an ocean out of which creation springs up spontaneously and then subsumes into it when the time is done.

  8. All the "evidence" for "god" has been fake, false, nonsense, made up, fiction, bullshit, lies, forged, recycled old mumbojumbo, bollocks, or just absurd crap, NOT TRUE,
    so the god described by this rubbish DOES NOT EXIST, because it CANNOT EXIST, it`s bonkers.

  9. Dennett has been pounded by D'souza whose not even a scientist. But then atheism is not a serious idea

  10. Thank you Mr. Dennet for bringing some realism to this argument and to this host who has had a number of religious proponents on that ge has let skate with dubious and fallacious arguments against new atheism!!

  11. The main argument for atheism is the non-experience of gods.
    I always tell the religious not to talk to me about their gods, but instead ask their gods to contact me personally asap. If the gods contact me we can talk.
    50 years later it still has not happened. My conclusion therefore has to be that there probably are no gods, or that they perhaps are not interested in contacting me. So for me there is no reason to insert the god concept into my life.

  12. I understand the point he's trying to make but you cant deny that Atheism is just Christianity in a different coat of paint. Christians have faith in the theory that something came from something and Atheism has faith that there is no god. Christians believe, that something wrote a vague, poetic retelling of the events that had transpired. With most events being just metaphors and others being quite vague or poetic I understand why Genesis sounds crazy. And the Gospel has just as many poetic or vague moments as Genesis although being more of a basic idea of what happened. And Atheism on the other hand believes in the theory that nothing spawned something from pure coincidence and that life appeared for no reason. It's hard to believe that a man rose from the dead but it's harder to believe in the theory that nothing made something. Your telling me that the most complex and mentally capable species on the planet, that can adapt and evolve to it's surrounding appeared from nowhere. Feel free to go call me an imbecile.

  13. The God of earthly religions is different than a creator or supreme being. We could be a computer program for all we know. At this point you could say fairies did it and you couldn't be proven wrong.

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