
Daniel Dennett: Horsemen of Atheism


“Daniel Dennett is an American naturalist philosopher specializing in the philosophy of mind,” states his Encyclopedia Britannica entry. “He became a prominent figure in the atheist movement at the beginning of the 21st century.”

Dennett is the is University Professor and Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University. He’s the author of several books, including “Breaking the Spell,” “Freedom Evolves,” “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea” and, with Linda La Scola, “Caught in the Pulpit: Leaving Belief Behind.”

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28 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett: Horsemen of Atheism
  1. I like Dennett and agree with most of his opinions, but it's obvious he's never spent much time in the South. If you come out as an atheist down south, there is a great probability that you will be ostracized and forced to leave the area. Legally, they can't force you to leave, but the Evangelicals down here will make life hell for you, you'll lose friends and will be seen as a Satan worshiper.

  2. Excellent on all 3 participants' parts. Now, how about a "can of worms"? I've been a (highly-moral) atheist since 1967; BUT I SURELY (lol) have no money to donate to any worthy cause, including FFRF. Is there not some way, some "vehicle" for us "dirt-poor retiree-types" to relate to / from FFRF?

  3. The 'bright' term is such a misfire for such an important notion. Clearly the word 'bright' has a certain connotation that is not conversationally helpful. That said, this dude is a treasure.

  4. I like that…. If you're atheist, you're a "Bright"! The opposite side of that coin would be, if you're a christian, you're a "dull"! Nice one, Daniel Dennett, nice one indeed!

  5. When Mr Dennett brings in the word, "surely", switches me over to Leslie Nielsen mode…. "Surely you can't be serious…. Yes I am and don't call me Shirley!" LOL

  6. I live in an extremely religious household. I live with my friend and my Aunt who is basically both Nuns. We actually have a chapel in my house. My Aunt is consecrated virgin it’s basically an order less Nun. I’m an in the closet atheist because I don’t want to offend them or argue with them and have them think they have to convince me or convert me. I dance around the bush but I never outright say I don’t believe in God. I don’t need the constant confrontation that somthing like that would become. As we are they know not to try to Jesus me to death and I don’t throw in there face that I’m a non believer.

  7. it is amazing how one can be intelligent, yet SO much misguided, and yet believe they are on the right path. ' and if they are told, believe like people believe, they said, do we believe like the fools believe, it is they who are fools, but they know it not'.
    So you want us to believe that we came from no where, going no where, and we exist for no reason. yet with no evidence except repeating 'billions of years' .

  8. I am a Nuclear Engineer who's never practiced it as a career.
    I grew up in a Hindu family in Africa. I attended college in LA, when I came across the Self Realization Fellowship temple and read the Autobiography of a Yogi. I started attending the services weekly.

    I became a believer then although I always had some little doubts. I had listened to arguments of both sides but none convinced me. So I stayed with my belief. Deep inside probably out of fear He/She existed. I am still a believer but looking for a reason to strongly believe.

  9. Dan and Annie Laurie, I appreciate the time you take to present another alternative of existence that is not organized religion. Now 82, I resigned from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 8 years ago as a result of cognitive dissonance. My personal integrity finally was in danger: I felt betrayed. I was a missionary, serving 2 1/2 years in Mexico; I married in one of the Mormon temples, I paid a 10% tithe plus other free-will offerings; I had read the Book of Mormon many times, including in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and partly in Italian; I fulfilled my church callings faithfully (mostly). In my professional life I was a Spanish, English, and reading college professor. In my world lit classes I taught section on the Old and New Testaments. I was my deep study of the Bible that destroyed my testimony of Christianity and my deeper study of the Book of Mormon that destroyed my testimony of Mormonism. I came to the conclusion that Mormonism is a cradle of atheism. When I resigned from my church, I felt enlightened, not in a mental sort of way, rather as if a weight had been lifted off me, similar to the weight of someone taking heavy chains off my spirit after my life as a slave of religion. It was your book Godless that I wanted friends to read so that they could relate to how I lost my religious faith. Thank you for that book. Your other book that helped me clarify that I no longer wanted to be associated with Judeo-Christian religion was GOD The Most Unpleasant Character In All Fiction. Before I read the latter, I had read the Bible from cover to cover twice, not to mention the sections I had read separately, yet because of authors like you, Dan, who gather many ideas from the Bible and put them in to books in which I can follow the narrative easily, rather that trying to keep all the things I had read in the Bible in meaningful units. Trying to learn from simply reading the Bible is like trying kill myself with a thousand paper cuts: not very effective. I f you ever want a person to talk with about Mormonism, I and still in compus mentis. This last year I made a comparison of two supposedly contemporaneous civilizations: The Roman in Europe and the Book of Mormon in the Americas. My friend Kerry Shirts, aka as the Backyard professor, invited me to share my thinking with his audience on his podcast, episode 125. Again, Annie Laurie and Dan I appreciate what you do with FFRF, especially try to keep church and state separate, an issue of great concern to me now that Christian Nationalism continues to raise its ugly head. May Zeus and Hera bless you both! Your friend Barry Richins

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