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8 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett interviewed on Explorations 3/3
  1. Dan was right on the spot when he was talking about the placebo-effect of religions.
    And religion-addicted people just don't want that to be taken away.
    That's why as all addictions also religion is difficult to be cured. Even sometimes for otherwise rational, intelligent people.

  2. Maybe the society with the religious ideas thinks that their god tells them to kill the tribe without the religious ideas, and as their god can't be wrong, and must be followed, they go and slaughter the non-religious tribe…

  3. boy dennett still everything from my mouth i surlly want to meet him i have so much to say,for an exemple religion since man died so yong in those day man incertain age had a duty towards yongester out to live as a species and it was to give guide line and rituals ect.. i could exposed it for long time but i have a limit words of comments but please read between the line

  4. I think it was rude of Michio Kaku to interrupt Dennett with his horn practice at the end of the interview. I understand that musicians need their practice and it's always difficult to find a quiet place to do it, but Dennett was in the middle of a point. This happens to Dennett every time he tries to lecture, Michio Kaku's always in the crowd with his damn French Horn. It happened at Ted Talks. The real irony is he goes to brass band practice and lectures them on theoretical Physics.

  5. The religion of Darwinism travels light on, and runs rough shod over, intricacies, specifics, minutiae, fine points, details and other words conveying similar meanings.

  6. Perverse comments are disseminated by perverts. Normal people have no need to make them. Darwinism demands the deaths of the unfit. An ill man is weak so he must die. It is Darwin's will that must be honored! Death to the infirmed! Survival of the healthy!!!

  7. Michio Kaku really doesn't seem to like the idea of memes. 3 times he asked the same question that dennett pointed out was flawed.

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