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7 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett – Just A Fluke
  1. I like your guerilla style.

    Speaking of parasites:

    "An internal parasite, so anatomically degenerate that it has become little more than a bag of ingestive and reproductive tissue within the body of its host, may be just as well adapted, and may enjoy just as much prospect of future success, as the most complex mammalian carnivore, wily, fleet, and adept, living free on the savannas."

    -Stephen Jay Gould-

    In a similar fashion, superstitious irrationality is also well equipped for survival.

  2. great music and lecture. scary and true. but take it from me nothing is going to change. Org. only feed their own power base. So until the individual himself on his own frees himself it is all a bunch of bullshit. Groups by their nature will corrupt any ideal they may have started with. So my advice accept the world as it is and then build your own private one. learn to live within /or outside the madness. And beware of the opportunists that profit from this conflict. and I mean both sides.

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