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33 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett & Steven Pinker – Can we become a more peaceful species
  1. How about manageable wars rather than world peace. If people want to kill each other, let them go at it, but somewhere where they can't hurt others only those like themselves who enjoy engaging in organized violence.

  2. The problem with masculinity is we have the wrong understanding of what it is. Strong confident men who don't have many, or any, insecurities, have never seen oppression of women, bullying, sexual assault and violent outbursts as 'Macho', these things have always been viewed as sneaky, vulgar and weak by men. It's worth remembering class issues when it comes to both sexism and Chauvinism. The 'Lower Class' have never sold their daughters for a dowry to other wealthy land owners who use the marriage contract to oppress, exploit and control their wives and then have them locked up and accused of hysteria if they dare 'complain'. Even if a male from the 'Lower Class' wanted to behave in such a way there was never the opportunity. the law and 'System' would never have made it possible. Working class Men and Women in Europe and Britain won their rights on the exact same day. The right to defend yourself in a courtroom for example. The right to vote. The first ever working class movements from South Wales. The first to use collective bargaining and to Unionize, the first to take industrial action and even sabotage, the first to create a legitimate Labour Party Etc… From day one were equal men and women who defended each others cause. Remember the two slogans and images used. The Black and White hand shaking together and also the picture of a Woman flexing her bicep 'Peace, Bread and Equality'. It's also worth remembering that these same working class men and women from South Wales allied themselves, and were the first to do such a thing, with the first 'Gay and Lesbian Liberation' groups in the 1980's. Not only did they travel to London to join protests, at the peak of unemployment in South Wales, they also made their Unions put pressure on the Labour Party to include Gay and Lesbian civil rights on their manifesto and to make sure it wasn't just lip service they forced the Labour party to make sure these ideas were top priority in parliament and top agenda to argue for. It worked also. People forget this and it was Left-Wing journalists who attacked the coalition. The fact that money was raised by the Gay and Lesbian community to offer a donation to unemployed coal miners was used to make cynical arguments at the time and the fact that the alliance existed and worked and achieved all their goals together was something ignored completely and not many people even know this history. There was no LGBTQ at the time so I'm not excluding any groups due to prejudices. LGBTQ should read up on this history and win over all those people who wanted to support Bernie Saunders but ended up supporting Trump or an independent.

  3. Heidegger and Technology

    Enframing means the gathering together of that setting-upon that sets
    upon man, i.e., challenges him forth, to reveal the real, in the mode
    of ordering, as standing-reserve. Enframing means that way of revealing
    that holds sway in the essence of modern technology and that it is
    itself not technological.[28]

    Once he has discussed enframing, Heidegger highlights the threat of
    technology. As he states, this threat "does not come in the first
    instance from the potentially lethal machines and apparatus of
    Rather, the threat is the essence because "the rule of enframing
    threatens man with the possibility that it could be denied to him to
    enter into a more original revealing and hence to experience the call of
    a more primal truth".[28]
    This is because challenging-forth conceals the process of
    bringing-forth, which means that truth itself is concealed and no longer
    unrevealed.[28] Unless humanity makes an effort to re-orient itself, it will not be able to find revealing and truth.
    It is at this point that Heidegger has encountered a paradox:
    humanity must be able to navigate the dangerous orientation of
    enframing because it is in this dangerous orientation that we find the
    potential to be rescued.[27]
    To further elaborate on this, Heidegger returns to his discussion of
    essence. Ultimately, he concludes that "the essence of technology is in a
    lofty sense ambiguous" and that "such ambiguity points to the mystery
    of all revealing, i.e., of truth".[28]
    The question concerning technology, Heidegger concludes, is one
    "concerning the constellation in which revealing and concealing, in
    which the coming to presence of the truth comes to pass".[28]
    In other words, it is finding truth. Heidegger presents art as a way to
    navigate this constellation, this paradox, because the artist, or the
    poet as Heidegger suggests, views the world as it is and as it reveals

  4. the cultural imperialism of what our culture will have become in 10 years will sweep away our own culture of today. then, not just the beduine will feel disenfranchised. we all will.

    unless we accept the change. come down from our high horse. accept that, compared to our future, we are nothing.

  5. dan dannett doesn't know much about war. when you have an army of fanatics, it will come with terrible problems both on the tactical as well as the strategic level. that's why the us army has such tremendously high entry requirements that most americans cannot meet them.

  6. >masculinity is totally socially constructed ughhhhhhhh. I mean…clothes, roles with children and things like that, sure. But men evolved to hunt for food and to seek out sex. There's biologically engrained potential for violence that needs to be negated through safe outlets. No cultural reframing can handle that.

    Pinker does well here.

  7. Why are these pseudointellectuals so obsessed with guns and Global Warming? The US has a lower crime rate than any EU country if you measure by the Caucasian and Asian murder rate. The Global Warming Scam has fallen apart so completely that the globalist shill media isn't even talking about it anymore, though the idiot programmed sheep still are.

  8. Dan's comments at around 34:00 about how the developed world must seem threatening to underdeveloped nations because they see it as an existential threat to their cultures, values, and traditions strike me as analogous to how the religious right in America is reacting to the rise of the "nones".

  9. Steven Pinker is either just naive or uninformed about the NSA. The NSA was presented with a data analysis algorithm that would have connected the dots. But instead they prioritized collecting data over analizing it. And they have been covering it up ever since rather than being honest about it.

  10. Prof. Dennett, Please don't tell the arborists who just trimmed our trees to the tune of several thousand dollar that it no longer takes 4 people to chop down a tree. There were, in fact, four of them, 3 standing around at any given moment watching, calculating, thinking, looking, and so on. . . RE: 38:18

  11. "Our youngsters" get seduced by today's pop culture as well. You think we have the same culture and meme and clothing that our ancestors did? My point is that their cultures are changing just as much as ours are.

  12. Pr. Pinker steered clear of the role of biology in the decrease of violence, and I could understand that, that he doesn't want to make things sound too "eugenistic". But the observable reality remains that different people have different tempers, and people with hotter tempers are just more prone to outbursts of violence.

    So that's one of the factors for it. And it's not that far-fetched to think that the justice system that's been around for millenia in certain areas and populations of the world might have made the frequencies of such temperaments less common (supposing men who'd done time or been executed left fewer descendants than their counterparts who haven't). Though I'll concede it's most likely too slow to be "seen" by the generation.

    I'll also grant that hot temper and impulsivity have more to do with everyday crime than with wars and government-sanctioned mass murders. And the Germanic peoples are a good example of that: typically cold in temperament, but still capable of massive organized violence.

  13. Why would economists enroll as soldiers? And can't an economist also be religious? And can't a secular economist also have strong enough belief in the cause of the war to walk in the fields just as brashly? And isn't planning ahead before marching in in itself gives them an edge?

  14. This comment section is a dumpster fire of stupidity, Jesus. Anyways, this talk was kind of boring to me honestly, so I couldn't continue.

    The moderator was also annoying, especially one of his comments about reducing violence by raising boys on different toys….oh lord, he's one of those retards who thinks sex differences in behavior and interest are entirely cultural; not only that, but he's probably one of those morons who thinks violent video games lead to violence; playing with toy soldiers instead of barbie dolls is boys expressing their sex difference, not some cultural invention, and it's certainly not a route to higher violence. If anything, repressing these urges and giving no alternative outlet would probably increase violence, or at least dissatisfaction. Would this asshole suggest to keep males of other animal species from play-fighting? Of course not, it's completely natural, harmless, and how they express themselves! Both peaceful and violent animals do it! But when he looks at humans, suddenly it's all socially constructed and a male-centric problem of violent expression. Further, even if there was a correlation, it wouldn't be clear whether "violent" toys caused violent behavior or those predisposed to violent behavior played with "violent" toys. He's so ass-backwards.

    And finally, his comment on the NRA as if they're some sort of horrible group….it's a bunch of dudes who like to shoot guns, not kill people you fucking dolt. The most violent people committing all of the violent gun crimes are…SURPRISE SURPRISE not members of the NRA, nor do the NRA remotely support them. The NRA is for people who enjoy shooting guns, that's it. If you want a scapegoat for violent behavior, look elsewhere asshole. And no, I'm not even an NRA member nor do I shoot guns, but someone's gotta protect them from being caricatured.

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