Consciousness Videos

David Sinclair: "Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To" | Talks at Google

Talks at Google

David Sinclair, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, discusses his new book “Lifespan”, which distills his cutting-edge research findings on the biological processes underpinning aging. Sinclair describes lifestyle hacks we can undertake now to combat aging, as well as future scientific breakthroughs that promise to slow down—and even reverse—the aging process.

Moderated by: Sam Phippen

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24 thoughts on “David Sinclair: "Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To" | Talks at Google
  1. Amazing information. Thank you Dr. Sinclair for sharing your research. Wow. I am enjoying the aging process very much. At age 67 everything is working just fine so far. If I were a mouse in your lab, maybe I'd still be going strong at 100.

  2. I’m only 13 and my mom and dad is older than what for my age she should be because before I was born she remarried to my dad then they had me I can’t imagine what it would be like without my parents they are 20 years older than the age they should be for my age and i always have breakdowns of what would happen I hope this happens so I can spend more time with my parents and they can see my kids in the future

  3. The doctor looks so good for 50. He can definently hook up with a 25 year old. He is very smart and educated a professor of medical future doctors. Young girls let him give you offspring. He is carrying super smart genes

  4. According to the word of YAHOVAH , man once lived nearly a thousand years , but that was under ideal conditions . It is understood as fact now , that most of our d.n.a. is junk d.n.a. . That junk is viruses . According to the word of YAHOVAH , man , with a bit of help from fallen angels created those viruses , but with the original intent of enhancing man . But as we understand it to be in our time , viruses are known to mutate during transfer from one host to another , especially when going from animal to human, and vice versa . That led to part of the current aging process we know today . Again , according to YAHOVAH , the Earth was cursed on account of man too . That ended the ideal conditions part of the equation . ( cursed because we are a bunch of self centered a-holes. That is why we hate his commandments . ) Honestly , not to take away from what the fine speaker has had to say at all …. but , to fix us , it would take someone with a whole lot more understanding than what any group of us could muster , because it would require a d.n.a. re-write . Just my insight from a biblical perspective friends .

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